Insane dash cam footage

It is only a matter of time :whistle:. I would like to see young men like this on a track instead of a street where they put others lives in danger to let them get out all that adrenaline.
it always looks more skilled at a faster playback speed :whistle:

if you play it at say another +20% it looks even more amazing :rofl:
Crazy is crazy does. One person on a cell while he is passing and bye bye.
What an idiot! Doesnt he know you can be fined for entering and exiting the HOV lane like that.

Oh well. Ill never meet them.
That Squid should be in jail for his own good. It is very likely he will end up on a cold slab soon. Hopefully he will be solo on the slab. :spank:
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That is a death can do it a few times before something goes those speeds + traffic conditions the least of your worries are fines.
Reminds me of the guy that passed me just inches away from me one Sunday morning on the beltway. Pissed me off big time. I know some of you remember that incident.