Insurance Quarrel

They changed your insurance on your 06 Eclipse to a "high performance vehicle??" I would fax them a copy of the performance numbers.

14.4 quarter mile, .83g in the skidpad, 224ft to stop from 80
61/39 front back weight ration?

Nice looking, decent performance, but definitely not a high performance vehicle. I think the escalade is faster than that.

F#ck that. Switch over everything to State Farm.
I'm 50 yrs old,own a 06 Busa and i pay 1950.00 cdn.That's with one minor speeding ticket( 20km's over ,about 100 bucks)
It's alotta money but i love riding  wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy to much to even consider not going for it!
Thats for FULL Coverage.
To follow this up I did end up switching to State Farm. My agent at Farm Bureau really did got to bat for me I have to admit. She kept the Eclipse to the same rates it was at but there was nothing she could do about them insuring the busa. She explained to them that I am 28 have a child and bought the bike to ride to and from work. After going to them with that she called me back and stated "Did you know this bike is renowned as the fastest bike in the world" I chuckled and said yes I am aware of that. Anyway, I felt bad leaving but I got the same policy 250K coverage with the 1 million dollar umbrella for the 2 cars, bike, and renters insurance for the same price I would have had with them.
state farm gave me the best rate on the Busa, so i had them insure my, truck, car, Busa, and everything else needing insured.
Did the switch to State Farm as well.... Home, autos, bikes, boats, everything! Was tired of having two or three different Co's just to get everything covered! Best part is I saved a ton of $$$. GMAC pulled that same deal on me just before I moved all five bikes from them

Progressive was to aggressive for this owner!! When they told me how much it was going to cost to insure my new Busa I calmly told the agent that I already owned the bike and wasn't really looking to buy anther one... She paused for a second then asked me to explain. Which I promptly did.. By telling her the premium for the insurance policy was more than the bike payment. That ain't gonna work, so glad they did this cause now I got a better policy and saved $$$
I would really like to know how so many of you guys are getting full coverage for just a few hundred a year? I have full coverage with state farm on my 06LE and it's 1440/y. Only have 1 ticket on record. Granted, I'm 20 y/o, but y'all are still getting it for 1200/y less. I don't understand. . .
I would really like to know how so many of you guys are getting full coverage for just a few hundred a year?  I have full coverage with state farm on my 06LE and it's 1440/y.  Only have 1 ticket on record.  Granted, I'm 20 y/o, but y'all are still getting it for 1200/y less.  I don't understand. . .
single and under 25

can make a big differance
450 a year with USAA, but you have to be military to get the insurance. However they are very unforgiving if you have accidents or tickets, but when I went down and the other guys insurance denied my claim (he was at fault and I have the police report to prove it.), they stepped in with no problem and took care of everything.