First of all...thank you all for the support. Your prayers have been our blessings. I wish I could've replied to each of you individually, but circumstances are not the best ones and I haven't been able to do so. Within everything going on, he seems to be holding up good. Undergoing several surgeries, all with a positive result. I should be going to see him today, so I'll post more info on him tomorrow hopefully. As for me, I was so blessed that I don't even complain for the little I have...I've been doing great!
For those who asked for more specific details, here they are:
My friend (Nova) was driving a gixxer 600, I was his passenger. We were moving when we got hit from behind by a 1989 Lincoln. After I stopped tumbling, I got up quickly thinking that a car was going to run me over since I landed in the middle of the street. I looked for him, couldn't find him. Someone had seen the car dragging something, which I knew it wasn't the bike, since it was in front of this point, I sincerely thought he was dead. Police/ambulances found him almost a mile down the street. The car that hit us was left there, but the driver took of. They did a search that night, but couldn't find him/her. Police never took a statement from me, and the trooper in charge never returned my voice mails. A week later when I recieved a copy of the report I found out that eventhough they ran a check on the car and had all the owner's information (which is on the copy of the report I got plus the car didn't appear stolen), the investigation was concluded. Of course, I'm very pissed at FHP and we're doing whatever we can for a follow up of the case for this person to be found.
As most of you said...we're alive, and that's what counts. It does make you re-think about many things and really realize that your life could be changed or gone in a second...without it even being your fault sometimes. I've also had some friends gone through accidents on bikes lately, not being their fault either...I've learned from their experiences and it's helped me grow, but never ever like being through it myself. As we all know, there's always a motive/reason for everything even if we don't understand it. I've always tried to look at situations in a positive way, and this has been no exception. I was there for a reason, my save his life. Everyone thought I was alone on that bike...God knows maybe he wouldn't have survived if he wouldn't have been found so quickly since he had blood on his lungs. Seeing my family so concerned for my well being, and just thinking it could be them recieving those news it's very shocking. I really think I'm still in shock from the whole situation up to some point.
No, it didn't take riding out of my head. No, it didn't make me change my mind about getting a bike, we all know the risks and the inevitable situations like this one. I've always thought that in order to learn well how to ride, at some point you will go's just a matter of learning from that experience and using it for your benefit in the future. My parents are not happy about me still wanting a bike, but they respect my decision. Haven't ridden again yet, and maybe won't for a while until my back is better. Many things I used to do, I can't for now...but I'm too hyper and stubborn to wait too long being that life is so short, so I will in a week or so. LOL!
Is there any big event coming up soon? Maybe we can start a Motorcycle Street Rider Awareness Group or something like that to help drivers realize that we are as important as they are on the streets and that they need to be more respectful towards us. It will be hard due to those doing stunts in the middle of the streets and highways putting everyone in danger...but it might be worth a try for the sake of all the innocents that have paid, are paying or will pay the price.
Well...I think that has been more than enough for now. Once again I thank you all and I gotta say I loved your signatures, this post is like my own collection of very unique and original signatures!
God Bless you all and ride safe!
This was the bike we were riding...will post the after picture of the crash whenever I get them: