Hal, I've asked some other riders from work if they wanna go. One has a Busa...the others ride Ninjas ( I guess they can tag along...if they can keep up!
I'm sure the guys have no problem with riders on other makes of bikes. The main thing we would stress however, is we want a safe ride for everyone. Although I can't say we always ride at or under the speed limit, a large group of sport bikes will draw attention. Last ride we had a couple of guys get speeding tickets that will cost some big money to fix. One of our friends has already had to sell his bike to take care of his, and we are going to miss him on this trip alot. It would really be a downer if someone crashed and was injured or killed. Your friends will be able to keep up and they will have alot of fun. After the ride your friends will probably want a busa of there own. We cannot be responsible for that! LOL I might even have the wife ride with us on her Honda Rebel. NAAAAA!
Abso-freakin-lutely! ALL about safety. We might joke about keeping up, but Busa or not, we ALL KNOW there will be someone faster out there and our ride is NOT the place to find out who it is. Everyone is different. Let the faster riders go up front, average in the middle, less experience at the end. That is for SAFETY. Don't want someone feeling like they have to out ride their own personal experience and wind up in 2-5 body bags because of PERCEIVED peer pressure. It's just not like that. Everyone is welcome, check egos back on your own turf, just have fun and enjoy the rare collection of motorcycle company. There's police in my neck of the woods too. Just so you know.
We'll also cover basic group riding tactics and all the hand and leg signals before we start.
I can't stress the safety factors enough. I'm sure we've all ridden with groups of strangers that, although maybe very capable [how would we know?], do some very stupid things, mostly for posing purposes, that could be dangerous to themsleves or those nearby - or even a less experienced rider that reacts unpredicatably. Everybody's cool, no one here is trying to prove anything. Just good, safe, and on occasion potentially fast and/or extreme FUN if that's your level.
If you think you are a Bad*** or have esteem problems and have to prove something, probably shouldn't come on this ride. It's just not like that.
Guys, if I am incorrect in this thinking please correct me now, but that is how I see it. Maybe I'm being too black and white? All our rides have been great thus far. Excellent riders, excellent attitudes, excellent times.
We meeting at Hooters or Struthers or where? And what time do kickstands go up and the parade begin? 10:30am like usual?