Iphone Holder

I just received my RAM mount but it appears I still need to order a piece. I received the x grip that has a ball on the back and the stem mount that has a ball on it but not the piece that connects the two together. I'm not sure of the proper term but what size or kind of stem should I buy to connect the two together? I've attached a picture of what I received. This mount is beginning to cost more than I anticipated. Thanks


I just received my RAM mount but it appears I still need to order a piece. I received the x grip that has a ball on the back and the stem mount that has a ball on it but not the piece that connects the two together. I'm not sure of the proper term but what size or kind of stem should I buy to connect the two together? I've attached a picture of what I received. This mount is beginning to cost more than I anticipated. Thanks

What you are missing is called: double socket arm. Comes in different lengths and for different "ball" sizes(1in or 1 1/2in balls) to choose from. I have what they call "standard" version. It is about 5inches.
Thanks! Did you find your phone sits up to high and hides your gauges? Would you buy the same size again or go with something different?
Thanks! Did you find your phone sits up to high and hides your gauges? Would you buy the same size again or go with something different?
The size shouldn't affect your gauge vision. You can put it at any angle you want. Mine is set low and running from left to right towed the throttle side.
I'll get a picture for you when I get home.
I have a cigarette adapter hardwired in the battery compartment and ran the usb cable to the triple tree, but the one that mabupa posted looks pretty sweet. I want one of those.
Here are some pictures. I was too lazy/tired to go inside the house after arriving from work to grab my keys and unlock the handlebars to get you a better pic, but you get the idea. Lol.

perfect! Thank you. I contacted Ram mount and they are going to send me the double socket arm they forgot to send me. I can't wait to actually use it. lol
I use the X mount from Rammount too, and have a battery tender SAE to USB connector for my shorty iPhone 6+ cord.

Using a small phone now feels like I'm using one of my kids Leap Frog toys. They're a joke. The size of the 6+, for me, is the perfect blend of an iPad mini functionality and a phone. Besides, those tiny little phones don't actually go from your ear to your mouth, the 6+ does exactly. What the hell else size is a phone supposed to be??? You talk into one end, you hear out of the other. If you think that's too big, maybe you have carnie hands or micrognathia :)
I hate to be a bother but can someone post up the links to the exact pieces I need to order for the stem mount x holder system for the iphone 6s+ in an otterbox. Sure as poop I will order the wrong thing!
I put a Ram Mount on my girlfriend's bike and it fell off.

How the hell did that happen? I have them on all my bikes. Busa has been 180 with my phone in the mount, of course it is not in the slip stream. I have had my M109 with no screen about 110 with my phone in the mount in front of God and everyone, and it didnt even slip.
I swear by RAM.
How the hell did that happen? I have them on all my bikes. Busa has been 180 with my phone in the mount, of course it is not in the slip stream. I have had my M109 with no screen about 110 with my phone in the mount in front of God and everyone, and it didnt even slip.
I swear by RAM.

Not a clue. It was stem mounted and worked itself out.
If you find the ram mount fork stem refuses to stay tight, wiggles around and wont hold posotion these work much better.
Universal phone holder. its not the cheap plastic crap and its durable and impossible to drop the phone. best holder out there hands down!

i just looked up the RAM holders you guys postet. Mine uses the same material and parts. But for a fraction of the price.