IRAN supports OBAMA! this makes me feel much better

He's not a legal citizen. Just like his aunt. He'll never take office unless he proves it. If he does happen to take office before this is determened, Badin will be President. If before, the secratery of treasury becomes President.
He's not a legal citizen. Just like his aunt. He'll never take office unless he proves it. If he does happen to take office before this is determened, Badin will be President. If before, the secratery of treasury becomes President.

Fool, lay off the crack pipe. ???
A major policy change with Iran is highly unlikely considering Obama's choice of Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. Support of Israel will continue, therefore, the threat of a nuclear Iran will still illicit measured negative response. These so called influences will quickly learn that our President Elect is no rookie nor a pushover..
A nation divided cannot stand.

We need to agree to disagree on this site and not become enemies over political issues we do not control.
We come here for enjoyment over a common interest, the "Hayabusa" .
Let's not turn a web site intended to bring people together as friends and make it one of hatred, or hurt feelings.
I know most of you are just venting and it is not personal. Others I am not sure.

We all at some point, may come together at a meet and greet, find a new friend we never knew we had.

That's what is important,
The most important thing about this site and what I value more than any of the tech support I have received..................
Is the people I have met and the new friendships I have formed.

My 2 cents

God bless all of you.
I have to go to work now, we are holding a motorcycle safety school today for approx 50 people.
It consists of a short classroom session and the majority of the day we will cover braking, clutch, throttle and brake control. Maneuvering through a serpentine and offset cone pattern. Collision avoidance, curve negotiation, etc.

We hope the people come away with something to help keep them safe.

I will take some pics for later posting.
We are people united by a common interest; the Hayabusa. However, we may not be like minded on all matters. I suppose the creation of a subforum entitled Politics is intended to draw the attention of those of us who are particularly interested in this subject and its debate. That way, Random thoughts isn't dominated by high bandwidth topics of this nature. Most of us are mature enough to argue and later have a beer with the opponent at a meet and greet.
A nation divided cannot stand.

We need to agree to disagree on this site and not become enemies over political issues we do not control.
We come here for enjoyment over a common interest, the "Hayabusa" .
Let's not turn a web site intended to bring people together as friends and make it one of hatred, or hurt feelings.
I know most of you are just venting and it is not personal. Others I am not sure.

We all at some point, may come together at a meet and greet, find a new friend we never knew we had.

That's what is important,
The most important thing about this site and what I value more than any of the tech support I have received..................
Is the people I have met and the new friendships I have formed.

My 2 cents

God bless all of you.

:thumbsup: I thought this forum was going to be deleted after the election was over.
I have to go to work now, we are holding a motorcycle safety school today for approx 50 people.
It consists of a short classroom session and the majority of the day we will cover braking, clutch, throttle and brake control. Maneuvering through a serpentine and offset cone pattern. Collision avoidance, curve negotiation, etc.

We hope the people come away with something to help keep them safe.

I will take some pics for later posting.

:thumbsup:Is there any classroom material you can share?
will there ever be another vote? There is 4yrs to go and some strange things are already happening and he hasn’t even started his term.. this could be the Obamanation of Desolation. (from the holy bible)

every election I know of stocks always went up.. this time 2 days in a row record drops im just not going to look today.

Now you're just talking out of your neck. When Bush stole his first term stocks went down.
This is scary. I hope the people that voted for him get what they voted for.
Russia already has, there going to bring back the head coach Putin cause the schedule looks easy for the next four years:rofl:

Schedule was easy with Bush too! I see he did'nt Shock and Awe sh@t over there in Russia when they introduced a can of azz wuppn on Georgia. Just sent Rice over to trash talk and make emty threats. I like how Russia just laughed in their faces. Soverinty my azz. I see Bush did'nt fight for Georgia like they help his sorry azz in Iraq. He did what, sent meals on wheels and told them to pull themselves up by their boot straps. I love how America shows a little authority in places with little or no military strength, but when faced with a military force that is a not so easy win ahhhh uuhhhh Wimps!
Schedule was easy with Bush too! I see he did'nt Shock and Awe sh@t over there in Russia when they introduced a can of azz wuppn on Georgia. Just sent Rice over to trash talk and make emty threats. I like how Russia just laughed in their faces. Soverinty my azz. I see Bush did'nt fight for Georgia like they help his sorry azz in Iraq. He did what, sent meals on wheels and told them to pull themselves up by their boot straps. I love how America shows a little authority in places with little or no military strength, but when faced with a military force that is a not so easy win ahhhh uuhhhh Wimps!

Ok, every thread I see you in you seem to be filled with hatred. you seem to be an angry individual, and it seems Obama can do no wrong in your eyes.

Here is a youtube video I would like you to watch and please comment on

- Obama hates the American Flag![/url]

This is not video trickery, this is not misinterpretation, and this is not hear say.

this video shows Obama not saluting the flag at an event where everyone else was saluting, including Hillary Clinton

He had the American Flag removed from his Jet and replaced with his own Obama symbol

You never see him wear the American flag on his jacket except for when he was put on the spot by a veteran

His wife was video recorded saying for the first time in her adult life she is proud of our country.

How can you support someone who has no regards for our American flag and whos wife seems to have had a dislike for America most of her adult life.

And I am not being confrontational, I am serious. I dont get it. do you as an American dislike our American flag also? do you feel it is ok for a politcal figure not to respect our flag?

Why are you so filled with hatred?
Schedule was easy with Bush too! I see he did'nt Shock and Awe sh@t over there in Russia when they introduced a can of azz wuppn on Georgia. Just sent Rice over to trash talk and make emty threats. I like how Russia just laughed in their faces. Soverinty my azz. I see Bush did'nt fight for Georgia like they help his sorry azz in Iraq. He did what, sent meals on wheels and told them to pull themselves up by their boot straps. I love how America shows a little authority in places with little or no military strength, but when faced with a military force that is a not so easy win ahhhh uuhhhh Wimps!

And why are you going to even dog on President Bush for not sending forces into Georgia?

It is not his call, it is Congress's call

And the United States is already stretched thin Military wise. everyone is already criticizing our government for being in Iraq and for being war mongers

And now you, a representative of all who are against Bush and for Obama and apparently are against our military forces being in Iraq also, you are now going to criticize him for NOT sending military forces somewhere?

Just a prime example of Democratic bull crap and how no matter what President Bush does it will be criticized.

If congress HAD sent troops into Georgia, you would still be blaming President Bush and calling him a war monger or something.
What do you suspect these foreign countries see in him that over half of our own population couldn't figure out? Puppet??
I know congress and Bush is smarter than to send troops in to Georgia. He's not a total dummy. Even if there were no troops in Iraq or Afgan, he or congress still would'nt be stupid enough to contest Russia. My point is if you are going to pick a fight and brag have the courage to fight someone your own size. The war in Iraq was lost before it was even started and still has not started in Afgan. One lesson America better learn from Russia is the lost cause of fighting people who are not afraid to die. This country tries to spend Billions and Billions to keep soldiers from getting hurt or killed and the "so called enemy" will walk right up to you and take you and everyone close by out without any fear. How the hell are you going to win a war like that. Our soldiers are over there fighting and most don't even know why because they are taught not to ask questions just follow orders. I'll be damn if I will let somebody put a rifle in my hands and ask me to kill and not give me some real good reason.

This just reminded me of an event that took place on a Flight I was on about a year ago. About 15 to 20 young soldiers were sitting with and around me and they were all pumped up and sure of themselves. One soldier started a conversation with me just shooting the breeze and I noticed after a while he had this real look of fear in his facial expression as he was looking out the window into the clouds. He later told me that he and his friends were being deployed to Iraq. He asked me if I thought they were doing the right thing and that the "think" he is. This is what I hate about America! They send scouts to highschools mostly in poor areas and recruit young kids who have not had the chance to develope themselves and throw them into a situation that has not been fully explained to them. A lot of them think it is going to be like a movie or play and they just walk right through a clould of bullets and not get a scratch. This is the real world and people are not going to like you so just deal with it. Ok how about if all the African Americans in the US started killing Caucasin people because they are racist. What would this country look like then. Something to think about. You can't go around and fight everybody. Keep your enemys close friends.
I know congress and Bush is smarter than to send troops in to Georgia. He's not a total dummy. Even if there were no troops in Iraq or Afgan, he or congress still would'nt be stupid enough to contest Russia. My point is if you are going to pick a fight and brag have the courage to fight someone your own size. The war in Iraq was lost before it was even started and still has not started in Afgan. One lesson America better learn from Russia is the lost cause of fighting people who are not afraid to die. This country tries to spend Billions and Billions to keep soldiers from getting hurt or killed and the "so called enemy" will walk right up to you and take you and everyone close by out without any fear. How the hell are you going to win a war like that. Our soldiers are over there fighting and most don't even know why because they are taught not to ask questions just follow orders. I'll be damn if I will let somebody put a rifle in my hands and ask me to kill and not give me some real good reason.

This just reminded me of an event that took place on a Flight I was on about a year ago. About 15 to 20 young soldiers were sitting with and around me and they were all pumped up and sure of themselves. One soldier started a conversation with me just shooting the breeze and I noticed after a while he had this real look of fear in his facial expression as he was looking out the window into the clouds. He later told me that he and his friends were being deployed to Iraq. He asked me if I thought they were doing the right thing and that the "think" he is. This is what I hate about America! They send scouts to highschools mostly in poor areas and recruit young kids who have not had the chance to develope themselves and throw them into a situation that has not been fully explained to them. A lot of them think it is going to be like a movie or play and they just walk right through a clould of bullets and not get a scratch. This is the real world and people are not going to like you so just deal with it. Ok how about if all the African Americans in the US started killing Caucasin people because they are racist. What would this country look like then. Something to think about. You can't go around and fight everybody. Keep your enemys close friends.

Are kidding around dude? You really need to take a BIG step back and look at what you THINK you know? Are we in a draft, When was the last time this country mandated a you even know? These "MEN & WOMEM" that are over there fighting.......ARE THERE BECAUSE THEY CHOOSE TO & AND ARE PROUD TO BE THERE(THANK GOD WE HAVE "CLUELESS" PEOPLE LIKE THIS....HUH?)........and you can bet your azz "they" know why they're there, sure is funny how hundreds more by the day sighn up to go STILL! Let me ask you this, if you "TRUELY" mean the above statement...."THIS IS WHAT HATE ABOUT AMERICA" WHY DONT YOU GET OUT THEN?