Is it true??????


I heard that if you hit a small rock or bump at high speeds you will loose control of your bike., but I have never heard of anyone crashing at high speeds on a straight shot
It has some truth to it. A sharp bump at speed could cause a tank slapper. The chances of it happening on a busa are a lot less than on a bike that isn't as stable.
A significant bump or rut in the road could cause the bike to want to go into a tank slapper but I don't think a small rock would do it...Just think about the riders that ride down gravel roads at any speed...

Welcome...I'm in Jackson...There are a few members that are in our area we must plan a meet...
The Busa is very stable, it would depend on the size of the rock or bump and the speed. Under the wrong circumstances anything can happen.
I don't think anything would happen hitting a small rock or small bump.

I have taken my Busa over a hill crest at 130mph and came off the ground with both tires and landed with no problems

My witness to this event is BA BUSA because I took him on the same road and he did the same thing. (he did curse me afterwards with a smile on his face

I also have ran over a large squirrel doing 165mph + and the Busa did not even jerk. I felt the front tire go over something and it apparently obliterated the little guy because I didn't feel the rear wheel hit anything.

Now hitting a good size rut, or a baseball size rock at high speeds might cause you some problems. But I think if you didn't freak it would probably recover pretty easy.

Just my .02

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(--busabrad1300 @ April 05 2005,10:53) my son stays in Humbolt so I am in Jackson alot. I know there are lots of cops in Jackson that ride.
Don't speed while your in Jackson...If you do give me a call...731-467-6388...I've got a few relatives in Humboldt...
(--STUNNAH @ April 05 2005,11:10)
(--busabrad1300 @ April 05 2005,10:53) my son stays in Humbolt so I am in Jackson alot. I know there are lots of cops in Jackson that ride.
Don't speed while your in Jackson...If you do give me a call...731-467-6388...I've got a few relatives in Humboldt...
I don't think anything would happen hitting a small rock or small bump.

I have taken my Busa over a hill crest at 130mph and came off the ground with both tires and landed with no problems

My witness to this event is BA BUSA because I took him on the same road and he did the same thing. (he did curse me afterwards with a smile on his face

I also have ran over a large squirrel doing 165mph + and the Busa did not even jerk. I felt the front tire go over something and it apparently obliterated the little guy because I didn't feel the rear wheel hit anything.

Now hitting a good size rut, or a baseball size rock at high speeds might cause you some problems. But I think if you didn't freak it would probably recover pretty easy.

Just my .02
The Fox is truly back...
balh blah blah .. thast something that stupid people that dont' ride thought up.

I have idiots all the time saying how they "would never ride one of those things! One little rock and your gonna wreck!"

yeeeah.. What the hell do they think?? we are riding around all the time scanning for pebbles and stones.. ??

that may explain some of the squids zigging all over the road for no apparent reason though.. hehe they don't know any better so they are just dodging those "killer" rocks!
i actually ran over a dead possum one at 100+ thought I was a goner.. but the bike barely even flinched.. it felt basically like running over it in a car.

RE: rocks.. I don't think I would worry all that much until, like someone else said, it started approaching a baseball like size..

golf ball wouldn't be too bad I don't think though. In a straight line anyway.. and probably nto that big a deal in a curve unless you were already at 95% of what the bike could handle.
That could happen...

If the rock is sharp enough, you can end up having a tyre burst!
I agree with you guys about us hitting little rocks. However if a little rock hits YOU while you're moving at a good clip, the results can be far different....

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I agree with you guys about us hitting little rocks. However if a little rock hits YOU while you're moving at a good clip, the results can be far different....
little rocks just kinda sting for a second if they hit somtehing that ain't covered in leather...

but chickens... now those little fuggers feel like getting hit by a medicine ball.. and trust me.. I know!

bunch of bolonee
everytime I speak with non-riders about speeding they say what if you hit a little rock!!!
I just go over it.
I am not talking about boulders, a freakin rock.
I have ran over a bunh of 2x4 doing 95mph
Biggest thing I've hit while traveling about 70 mph was a dead fox in the middle of the road...Busa didn't skip a beat; I was so thankful
the 'Busa has a steering damper that should help to smooth out minor deflections. I'd avoid deer though....
round rocks that have a relatively flat surface are ok....!!

But I still say rocks that have a sharp edge are dangerous...