da busa guy
would a tre help in this situation?
Just last week, I was coming around a corner, not too fast, in the lean, though, and tagged a couple of small rocks in the middle of the lane. The front wheel shifted over a little but the moment it was on solid, clear pavement, it settled right in, no problems.balh blah blah .. thast something that stupid people that dont' ride thought up.
I have idiots all the time saying how they "would never ride one of those things! One little rock and your gonna wreck!"
yeeeah.. What the hell do they think?? we are riding around all the time scanning for pebbles and stones.. ??
that may explain some of the squids zigging all over the road for no apparent reason though.. hehe they don't know any better so they are just dodging those "killer" rocks!
Ooh gravel. You are making my skin crawl. Ever run out of pavement and find yourself trying to turn around in gravel. Creepy feeling. I once was adjusting my right mirror with my left hand and got loose in some gravel as I drifted to the side of the rode. Cost me a fractured left leg, and I don't f##k with stuff like that when I'm moving anymore.A significant bump or rut in the road could cause the bike to want to go into a tank slapper but I don't think a small rock would do it...Just think about the riders that ride down gravel roads at any speed...
Welcome...I'm in Jackson...There are a few members that are in our area we must plan a meet...
would a tre help in this situation?
How can the rock explode..If you hit a rock You WILL fly off your bike and it will explode!! Trust me because it never happened .
I would like to see that.(luvridin @ Oct. 01 2006,21:44) This sounds like an episode of Mythbusters.
(Shanling @ Oct. 06 2006,12:09) I had a bug hit my neck just under my helmet doing just over 100 and that stung but the bike was fine. Probably some useless information here but thought I would share it anyways.
Where did you find this old thread?(luvridin @ Oct. 01 2006,18:44) I hit a possum on my r6 and went airborne just to land safely. I had tank slappers on every bike I owned until I got a gsxr600, it had a damper . I took it on a road that always caused tankslappers because of the patchwork where they had fixed potholes, no tankslappers. I ride the busa on the same road and nothing. I agree hitting the small bumps and stuff is bull. This sounds like an episode of Mythbusters.