Is it true??????

balh blah blah .. thast something that stupid people that dont' ride thought up.

I have idiots all the time saying how they "would never ride one of those things!  One little rock and your gonna wreck!"

yeeeah..  What the hell do they think?? we are riding around all the time scanning for pebbles and stones.. ??

that may explain some of the squids zigging all over the road for no apparent reason though.. hehe they don't know any better so they are just dodging those "killer" rocks!
Just last week, I was coming around a corner, not too fast, in the lean, though, and tagged a couple of small rocks in the middle of the lane. The front wheel shifted over a little but the moment it was on solid, clear pavement, it settled right in, no problems.

Obviously, a wide patch of gravel would have toasted me for sure. But a coupla little rocks? Doesn't affect ya.

However, later that same day, I saw a beer bottle take out a 750 Katana. Or rather, came up on the spill after it happened.

Ya never know, actually.

Too throw in another aspect--on this subject---having a death grip on the bars can make it worse.
The Busa is most stable with very light grip--re- less chance of headshake, when hitting something.
I did top speed run the other day---held the bars with least possible force-just enough to hold WFO and it tracked like an arrow...was on a adrenillen rush for at least an hour after that-- 166 on GPS with saddlebags [givi]
Oh and [Ya never know] and what he said ,avoid deer, Kinda scary out there--but then theres this passion we have for two wheels. EVERYTHINGISACOMPROMISE
i came up on a pot hole doing 150 plus. it was about 1 foot wide and 4 or 5 in deep. it came up on me so fast i had no time to dodge it. i thought i was a goner for sure. i had no time but to tighten my arms and keep the bars straight. the busa went over the hole like it wasnt even there. then another time a possum ran out in front of me while i was doing 110. i thought it was going to tear the hell out of my lower fairings but when i hit it, all i felt was a little bump. i went back to take a look and it ripped the possum in half. no damage to the bike though.
A significant bump or rut in the road could cause the bike to want to go into a tank slapper but I don't think a small rock would do it...Just think about the riders that ride down gravel roads at any speed...

Welcome...I'm in Jackson...There are a few members that are in our area we must plan a meet...
Ooh gravel. You are making my skin crawl. Ever run out of pavement and find yourself trying to turn around in gravel. Creepy feeling. I once was adjusting my right mirror with my left hand and got loose in some gravel as I drifted to the side of the rode. Cost me a fractured left leg, and I don't f##k with stuff like that when I'm moving anymore.
I was doing around a ton and smacked what was left of a coyote with no problems, had to wash entrails off the oil cooler when I got home.
If you hit a rock You WILL fly off your bike and it will explode!! Trust me because it never happened .
I hit a possum on my r6 and went airborne just to land safely. I had tank slappers on every bike I owned until I got a gsxr600, it had a damper . I took it on a road that always caused tankslappers because of the patchwork where they had fixed potholes, no tankslappers. I ride the busa on the same road and nothing. I agree hitting the small bumps and stuff is bull. This sounds like an episode of Mythbusters.
I hit the edge of a 2x4 doing about 80... just a slight shudder and kept right on going.

So I lean towards the "should be OK" theory.
I had a bug hit my neck just under my helmet doing just over 100 and that stung but the bike was fine. Probably some useless information here but thought I would share it anyways.

(Shanling @ Oct. 06 2006,12:09) I had a bug hit my neck just under my helmet doing just over 100 and that stung but the bike was fine. Probably some useless information here but thought I would share it anyways.




I hit a huge bump in the road where they where laying new road and did not fall. It did try to tank slap a little but kept it up. later they posted a motorcycles beware sign. I hit a car part once at 80 and went over it. It was shaped like a part of a bumper and was big.
(luvridin @ Oct. 01 2006,18:44) I hit a possum on my r6 and went airborne just to land safely. I had tank slappers on every bike I owned until I got a gsxr600, it had a damper . I took it on a road that always caused tankslappers because of the patchwork where they had fixed potholes, no tankslappers. I ride the busa on the same road and nothing.  I agree hitting the small bumps and stuff is bull. This sounds like an episode of Mythbusters.
Where did you find this old thread?
I went down a gravel road a couple months ago which had just been graded that morning. In other words, cars hadn't been driving on it and the rocks and gravel were loose all the way across the road. Some of the rocks were very large and very sharp. I was more worried about cutting up my tires than anything else but I digress.

When we went in, I was taking it at about 15 or 20 mph 'cause I was trying to make sure my newbie wife wasn't going to have a problem. Didn't have any problems, really.

When we came out, she was driven to the end of the road while I followed, first on her 06 Gixxer 1000. I took it at about 50 mph that time. The road didn't have major turns so I wasn't worried about leaning. It was MORE stable at the higher speed than the Busa had been at 25.

Went back and got the Busa and pushed it to 65 mph and again, it was WAY more stable at the high speed than it had been at the low speed. Yeah, it felt a little light but it never tried to tank slap on me or if it did, it wasn't noticeable with the roughness of the road.

I've hit some fairly large objects on the road and they didn't cause me any grief, really. Even in a slight lean, if you stay relaxed and hang in there, the bike will generally take care of you. I suppose in a really low lean, you're screwed but that's a different story, I think.

Bottom line is, if you don't tense up, you should be okay.

A motorcycle, especially the Busa (weight+speed), wants to stay upright when moving. Each wheel is it's own gyroscope. Even if you were to slap the handle bar at speed with no hands it will straighten out on it's own.

It would take a substantial hit form something unforgiving (like a squishy squirrel) to knock the beyond control.