It amazing what you find in log files

Ut oh, $h!d or get off the pot !

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Well whatever, we have been over this before. You chose to run the website so I dont really want to hear how its so difficult for you.

I dont want any money back, I dont want anything from you but to be left chose to dig in my personal #### and post it everyone....yes it was a post at a public forum but it was my personal business regardless.

I asked a question and that is my I dont like Cache for lying about #### and that is my right too.

If you have a problem with me then delete my account.....digging thru members stuff is not cool.

Obviously you have been doing this awhile, I have to wonder what all else you have been up to?
Oh and the topic title "It amazing what you find in log files" tells us quite a bit about what you might be doing with your spare time.???
And for the record I have not donated $200 out of my own pocket. I held a fund raiser and have participated in many of the raffles that seemed reasonable to me.

$5000 is not reasonable in my opinion and is at the very least bordering in illegal.
Of course I check the log files, any good administrator does..... This is called a referrer report it tells me every link from everywebsite that links to There is a ton of information out there to make a site better, search engine keywords, other forums, how popular the movies, gallery, email, and chat are.... I havent been hacking you just looking to see who has a link to this site..... Nothing sneaky

The offer still stands 200 bucks, will that make it better, or is it just the amount of the big raffle? Interesting, do you have a moral limit that stops at 201.00 ? Whats the difference, no one has been forced to participate... Can you not just walk away and not participate or is there more to this story?

Cool out BV!!! It was public knowledge! Don't donate if you feel that way!!! You know I would do the same for YOU!!!!!

Anyway..........This is making me sad so....... forgive and forget and get over it!!!!! It is not worth the bad feelings.
Its ok Scootergirl, thanks for your concern.

Moral limit? ...I think anybody can say its cool to play around with a few fire crackers, the C4
should be left to the proffessionals.

Captain, I was not aware that is was your site and yours alone.

I will publicy apologize to you for this...had I known this id have taken it up with you a long time ago.
bentvalve read my PM and get back to me.... Scootergirl be happy
Happiness is a choice!  That's what I choose!!! I'm always happy!!!
Here's a little song I wrote, you might want to sing it note for note......Don't worry ---- etc.
WTF, No one is making him buy a raffle ticket!!!! Everyone makes there own choice to purchase a ticket or tickets!!!

If there's a problem some people need to speak to the proper channels!!!!
Before you read should know that I do enjoy most all of the raffles...have even won some brakelines once and think that these are the fastest and most effiicient way to raise funds. So this is NOT a bash of any one person, thing, or situation!

I think it was more the way the WAY the money was used.
Generally, as we understand it...raffles are to support the costs of running the board...period. Any thing left over from the costs of acquiring the prizes, and PayPal fees should have gone straight to the a mini escrow account until such time as the funds were needed.

There were separate threads setup to help out Cache and his situation and any use of the raffle funds without prior disclusure is a bit misleading.
I am sorry that I do not recall RSD's situation at the moment, but for Cache's "I go in over my head financially"...well, shiot happens to all of us. I went 7+ years without a bike after my unfortunate incident late one night in the middle of a whelie.
I just had to wait until the time was right again.
We don't need an Enron type deal here...but if something like that is to be done, at least tell us in advance.

My math puts 3960.00USD in the site's coffers....if CAP want's to do something with it other than maintain the board, then that is HIS deal, and it should never have been made public knowledge after the fact.
The site's funds should be fine for a few

That all having been said...when's the next set of tires coming up?

HAHAHA!!! You are so funny!!!! BV.... I miss you even though you are a trouble maker?
? Just teasing!!!! How was your ride today?
Patience is a virtue, everyone should know that bentvalve and I have been discussing things off the board and we will work our differences out there.... Until then lets all sing a chorus of MC Mustang's favorite Dont worry be happy

The landlord say the rent is late....he may have to litigate.....