GSXRFANN don't sweat the donations thing. I have had folks for years trying to get me to make the site a paid membership and I refuse to do that. This site is open to the working man, it was actually created to share information and provide a place for everyone to enjoy. I will not create a pay to access forum because I dont want anyone to miss out on information because they didnt have enough cash to pay. We have some great sponsors that are beginning to help out and keep the site going... We constantly work to make this a better site and someday it will be so incredibly awesome that we will all be glad we are part of it. No one that comes to this board should feel obligated to donate, I don't want to burden anyone, if a person has a couple of extra bucks then great, if we saved you a little on a purchase because you found information here great... Don't be pressured by anyone to pay to this site.... Your just as valuable a member as you are donating member..... Dont forget that.