It amazing what you find in log files

GSXRFANN don't sweat the donations thing. I have had folks for years trying to get me to make the site a paid membership and I refuse to do that. This site is open to the working man, it was actually created to share information and provide a place for everyone to enjoy. I will not create a pay to access forum because I dont want anyone to miss out on information because they didnt have enough cash to pay. We have some great sponsors that are beginning to help out and keep the site going... We constantly work to make this a better site and someday it will be so incredibly awesome that we will all be glad we are part of it. No one that comes to this board should feel obligated to donate, I don't want to burden anyone, if a person has a couple of extra bucks then great, if we saved you a little on a purchase because you found information here great... Don't be pressured by anyone to pay to this site.... Your just as valuable a member as you are donating member..... Dont forget that.

Thank you...




Besides where you gonna get this much drama for free?
could piss off the wife?
That ain't necessarily free if it goes too far or happens too often.

I've been married three times.....some people never learn.
first marriage... you didn't know better

second marriage... you thought you just had bad luck

third marriage... no excuse.. you deserve what ya get.

haha.. just kiddin.. my uncles on his 4th.. just gotta find the right woman I guess.
Did you notice how this thread went from a random thought to smack talk and ended up a post-ho thread?

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And for the record I have not donated $200 out of my own pocket.  I held a fund raiser and have participated in many of the raffles that seemed reasonable to me.

$5000 is not reasonable in my opinion and is at the very least bordering in illegal.
So uh, you hold a fund raiser?  You participate in other raffles...  But this one you have trouble with??? So you participate in other raffles all concerned and worried that they are illegal, BUT it's only the $5k one you have trouble with?  What is this? Degrees of right and wrong?

Dude, your not only simple, Your fuggin ignorant.  

Nice work...
Ok, I tired to resist but I cannot.

I may be stupid and ignornant but you are even dumber if you think this has anything to do with the raffle. I was only arming myself for the was obvious to Captain as well.

I am not going to get into the real reasoning behind this because me and Captain made our peace last night.

I am not going to metion the raffle again, I support and appreciate and I will continue to do so in the future.
so uh... hey bent.. where you been?

oh wait.. I been followin' ya round.. I already know..

and I don't think the little angel on your shoulder would approve of those sites.. mmmmkay?

porn is bad..mmmkay?

lmao.. tooliest tool in the woodshed, but I don't care. I just thought it was funny.
I think you mean the Devil....and last I heard he was all for it... any kind and lots of it.
no no.. the devil would approve of course.. the angel wouldn't approve..

i was meaning the angel... ya know.. the one that always gets ignored..

you guys ever see that family guy where peter has a dilemma and the little devil pops up on the left side, but there is no angel.. then it shows the angel stuck in traffic on the way to work... haha.. classic!
I shot that angel off my shoulder with my Glock...the damn ##### was getting cream cheese all over my leathers. :