It finally happened (nothing serious tho)


Just call me B.O.B
There were 5 of us that went for a quick around the county ride before everyone had to get back and do something else at noon. Left out at 9:00.... Pretty nice morning to our start, sun was out and it was probably getting close to 70 degrees. Very event less ride so far, few SMV (slow moving vehicles) and no deer or dogs along our path. Stopped of at a gas station around 11:00 for a potty break before we headed head back home.
Had to jump on the interstate to make it back in time, we were flying down the road. We get close to the house and there is a cool thick fog rolling off the bay, the temp change was very noticeable. Dodge some traffic and pull into our neighborhood. Pull up in the drive way, get off the bike, start taking my gloves off then my helmet and that's when I notice it.....My left side helmet ponytail was gone :(
Must have came off when we were on the interstate because it was on there when we stopped at the gas station. So if your traveling along I65 in Alabama between Rabun and Bay Minette and see a glob of blonde hair don't worry it had a good ride! :laugh:

I shall get another pair and wear them proud!!

Re: It finally happened......

What a relief, thought the worst when I read the title of the post. Glad you all had a good ride. :)
Re: It finally happened......

You got me to. I thought it was going to be bad. I will look out for it if I get down that way:laugh: Glad you got out anyway:thumbsup:
Re: It finally happened......

Now look what's gonna happen! RandyMan will be pulling you around in circles! :whistle:

Re: It finally happened......

I can't believe you would make us think something truly bad had happened! My nerves are bad enough these days . . . and now this? :laugh:
Re: It finally happened......

I can't believe you would make us think something truly bad had happened! My nerves are bad enough these days . . . and now this? :laugh:

It was very tragic for me. To think I was riding with just one on and not even noticing until I got home. I must have looked really silly. :poke:

SUPER big hugs!
Dawn, my wife has the ponytail on her helmet...stays out of the windflow better..

You really ought to consider changing that title....made a lump in my throat for a sec there.

Kick Randy in the shins for me!
oh, the horror! you only have 1/2 of the power of the blonde ponytails now? i'm sure there is a whole list of jokes in this somewhere! :laugh:

glad you guys are ok!!
Dawn, you need to get a Mohawk to compliment your ponytails :laugh:

I've thought about that but then I would get even more silly remarks.

Here are a few examples of some things folks asked me about the ponytails.

"Why did you drill holes in your helmet?"

Or ....

"How did you get your hair to do that?"
I've thought about that but then I would get even more silly remarks.

Here are a few examples of some things folks asked me about the ponytails.

"Why did you drill holes in your helmet?"

Or ....

"How did you get your hair to do that?"

I think you should go for the goth chick look!!!! :laugh:
Dawn, my wife has the ponytail on her helmet...stays out of the windflow better..

You really ought to consider changing that title....made a lump in my throat for a sec there.

Kick Randy in the shins for me!

Keith, The pig tails have been tested up to 80 mph (what it says on the website I bought them from)....that's all I'm gonna say about that.

You can see where it slid back and down the helmet. (oil residue trail):laugh:

I'll get more, wouldn't be me with out em any more.