It finally happened

been there, done that last year (my boy, then 10, had his 15 y/o cousin show him how to google search boobs, sex, how to , etc) momma got suspicious at my boy giggling and saying "oh that's nasty" and busted them. I had to have "the talk" with him and explain that next time he gets busted, he's in big he better let me "review" the sites that he thinks might get him in trouble...especially the good ones before he forgets which site it was:whistle:
I was laughing at the begining of the thread, then I kept reading...ugh! My son is 6, does this mean I will have to lock the computer down soon and have to be on the look out??
I was laughing at the begining of the thread, then I kept reading...ugh! My son is 6, does this mean I will have to lock the computer down soon and have to be on the look out??

Oh yeah, it's genetic! Lock 'em down :laugh:

Hey, I'm not sweating was bound to happen, but truth be told, I figured it would happen at their Dad's house and not mine. I told 'em both I'll be checking from now on and that if I find they're doing it again, they don't get to be online for a while.

Time to watch 'em more closely anyway...this year at school has taught them all sorts of new colorful things to say :rofl:

And I can't fuss too much, by age 7 I'd seen Playboy, Penthouse, 9 I had seen all kinds of graphical pictures drawn by a kid named Nick. Learned all I needed to know about sex on the bus ride to school :whistle:
VaBusa how did your sons get my pass word for my account? :rofl: I found it was a very powerfull pass word and always worked well in Google!! :whistle:

Ok I admit it .. us guys are shallow :cheerleader:
I remember seeing my first movie in theaters with my dad that had boobs *gasp* in it haha. He told me to cover my eyes, then when I did as told he told me I had to make sure to leave gaps between my fingers :P Ah the life-lessons
7 and 9 going on 16 now :laugh:

This is a hilarious post! It also shows my age :banghead: I can remember as a young boy how we would have to try and find a magazine for our 1st "enlightenment" :laugh: Now the kids just Google away or open a spam email. Crazy.

On a side note Michelle.....glad to hear the fam is coming out the backside of that nasty flu :thumbsup:
this is too funny (and only the beginning of your challenges) :rofl:
Oh yeah, it's genetic! Lock 'em down :laugh:

Hey, I'm not sweating was bound to happen, but truth be told, I figured it would happen at their Dad's house and not mine. I told 'em both I'll be checking from now on and that if I find they're doing it again, they don't get to be online for a while.

Time to watch 'em more closely anyway...this year at school has taught them all sorts of new colorful things to say :rofl:

And I can't fuss too much, by age 7 I'd seen Playboy, Penthouse, 9 I had seen all kinds of graphical pictures drawn by a kid named Nick. Learned all I needed to know about sex on the bus ride to school :whistle:

As much as it was a chuckle, it was also an eye opener. I did not think that at 7 (maybe 9) they would think to Google images. Although about a month ago I was shocked when we were doing housework and the broom fell and my son said "oh that hit you in the boob". I was like dang, where did my kindergartnen kiddo learn that? Then I read Omar's post and was even more educated as to what kids are doing at this age. Crap we just got back from the playland at MacDonald's, I thought germs were my worst enemy? :banghead:
At least you know they have interest in the opposite sex! :cheerleader: Now... I hope they done type in the word " kitty kitty"......or the other known name! That may scare them at first!!!:whistle::poke::whistle:

Or worse they could have typed in

Kitty Kitty Threesome


My dad, who is not really internet savvy, called me a few weeks ago. He told me he was helping a friend look for a new tube to tow behind his boat. They typed in "watersports". Needless to say my dad got an education that afternoon. He was calling to ask if the world is really as sick as the internet. I told him yes. He said he was turning off his computer.(till my mom wasn't around)
My dad, who is not really internet savvy, called me a few weeks ago. He told me he was helping a friend look for a new tube to tow behind his boat. They typed in "watersports". Needless to say my dad got an education that afternoon. He was calling to ask if the world is really as sick as the internet. I told him yes. He said he was turning off his computer.(till my mom wasn't around)

As I said boobs or strickly anatomy not my real concern -- Just would like to get to the birds and bees before I have to broach the subjects of golden showers, sex with animals, not to mention vile videos including people getting their heads cut off etc. I remember watching (part of)the movie "faces of death" in college it was disturbing. I did not need to see that crap... All sorts of stuff on the net. If it's disturbing as a fairly mature adult what kinda mind warping can that do to a twelve year old? Or younger? I'm computer savvy but computers and internet access is available everywhere -- just don't know?!?!?