No parent should ever suffer the pain of outliving thier children... the loss of having futures ripped away in an instant -there are almost no words to adequately describe the horror of this act. As a father who has faced the possible death of a child, I can barely even fathom this tragedy and its ripple effects on those who survived, those who have to live with thier innocence lost. What an increadibly horrible creation we can be - these are the faith shaking events, this is not an issue of guns vs no guns, but rather an issue of how a person can manifest such evil, that regardless of the tools of thier plan, that they even intend to carry out such hideous action against our purity, our potential, our own evolution. I am saddened, I am sickened and I am appalled... I grieve for the parents, because I am a parent. I grieve for the children, because I am a father. I greive for the school, because now, no where is safe. I grieve for all of us, because of the evil that we are somehow capable of.