It was a matter of time

AMSTERDAM, Netherlands, Jan. 4 — Clonaid, the company that claims to have produced the first human clone last week, said Saturday a second cloned baby has been born to a Dutch lesbian couple.[/QUOTE]

Okay, not just one, but TWO. They better show some proof really soon or they will be in worse trouble than the Kennedy's.
ahh, the original "Rael" guy was bragging about free publicity a few months ago.. I am pretty much convinced the whole thing is BS.

That spokeswoman is a freaky lookin' chic eh?
Clonaid!  hahaha  sounds like something out of a Schwarzenegger movie!!

hha.. or:

In british voice

"Bond, This is the owner of Clonaid. *shows pic* We aren't sure what his involvment is, but he stands to gain the most with world domination.

-smirk- Ahh, who is this lovely young lady on his arm?

I wouldn't even poke her with somebody elses needle...
Clonaid!  hahaha  sounds like something out of a Schwarzenegger movie!!

hha.. or:

In british voice

"Bond, This is the owner of Clonaid. *shows pic* We aren't sure what his involvment is, but he stands to gain the most with world domination.

-smirk- Ahh, who is this lovely young lady on his arm?

I wouldn't even poke her with somebody elses needle...  
Look, i cloned a post.. that wasn't so hard.

and opened a new page ;P
Most likely more clones out here that we do not even know about yet.
Complete BS, you people should know better. I hope none of you read National Enquirer et al.

Cloning is still well a ways off, not to mention human cloning. With so much controversy against it (good old religion getting in the way again), it will be on the back burners for a while.

The main problem with cloning right now is resetting the genes. You can take DNA from any cell in your body and get original DNA that has hopefully not been damaged, but the problem is that unlike the DNA found in the first five divisions (32 cells) of the zygote, formed cells have many genes turned off. So when material is cloned from formed cell DNA, many mistakes occur in the replication. This is why the sheep cloning took about two hundred attempts before they got one that survived, and even then it had problems.

Who knows, maybe in the next few decades we'll have cloning, and organ retailers. Mass marketed immortality.
Complete BS, you people should know better. I hope none of you read National Enquirer et al.  

Cloning is still well a ways off, not to mention human cloning. With so much controversy against it (good old religion getting in the way again), it will be on the back burners for a while.

The main problem with cloning right now is resetting the genes. You can take DNA from any cell in your body and get original DNA that has hopefully not been damaged, but the problem is that unlike the DNA found in the first five divisions (32 cells) of the zygote, formed cells have many genes turned off. So when material is cloned from formed cell DNA, many mistakes occur in the replication. This is why the sheep cloning took about two hundred attempts before they got one that survived, and even then it had problems.

Who knows, maybe in the next few decades we'll have cloning, and organ retailers. Mass marketed immortality.
Im with narc on this one. There are two things effect our "ageing", human growth hormone (HGH) and DNA damage. HGH causes us to grow and we have alot more of it when we are young then when we get old. HGH decresses as we age, DNA damage increases (why you old people have wrinkles and sagging skin). This damage would just make it almost inpossible to make a clone.

Currently it is becoming more and more common for "old" people to get doses of HGH, which helps with artritis (sp?) and can in a way reverse the aging process. There are drugs currently being test which rebuild damaged DNA, which are being heavily tested.

Technology is pregressing rapidly towards being able to make a person immortal. But we are far from making a clone IMO.

Sorry to go so far off topic
This is just something im very interested in.
