Got a call today. The new halo's came in and they are dead also. This is the 2 company with dead halo's. 1 set worked but popped a led out. A friend of mine was at the shop and saw him test them when they came in. So I know he isn't bs'ing. I told him to scrap the halo idea and just run some LEDs around the housing and put it back together. I pick her up tomorrow.
I got the bike back. Decided against the halo and put LED's around the housing. Couple pics of that. Also received the frame plugs. Not sure that I like how they stick out though. Blanca. did yours stick out this far? When I 1st received them one side didn't fit. He then sent me 2 more 1 fit 1 eh not so much. He through in a Yoke nut cover though.
I'd rather not post to the public, because I don't want to hold it against the shop as much as the employee there. So I will send you a PM. The guy that works there installed them prior to working at this shop. The reason I went to this shop is because he just got a job there and said to bring it in there.
Yeah mine stuck out. I trimmed about a quarter inch off each one and used some adhesive (forget which one) to stick em in. I had to use a 2x4 propped against the wall to keep them jammed in so they wouldn't squirt out while drying.
that's because powerhouse is a legit business... look at the building hes got... on long island,,, building alone would be over a million dollars... but some people wanna save 50 bucks or so on a job......
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