It's Official

OK Narc.....there WAS a tiny little "spec" left .  NOW...nothing.
 All the respect is gone .

     nuff said....

  hav a good 1....if ya can....RSD.

  Right that down if ya want....hee hee hee


    By the way....who is your "mentor'.....whoever he is....tell him to "get off the glue".

Not sure what to make of that one.  :super:

I guess I just think a bit differently from the rest of the crowd and try to help anyway I can. Tips and advise are more valuable to me than money. If I gave you $10K right now, it would come and go like that. But that little noggin inside your skull is capable of making an infinite amount of anything.

Anyway, I fully plan on retiring before I hit 30 (and that's coming straight from the shithouse, BTW, no daddy's money... he's very near bankruptcy and facing forclosure, anyway). If you think I'm sniffing glue now, check back in 3 years or less and see if you think the same. :wink:

My mentor is millionaire investor right now. I don't think he sniffs glue, either. :laugh:

I meant no offense in offering my tips. I can only hope none was taken. Unfortunately, that's rarely the case, is it? :drool:
Hey Narc, go ahead and send me that $10k and I'll let you know if you were right... :super:

OK Narc.....there WAS a tiny little "spec" left .  NOW...nothing.
 All the respect is gone .

     nuff said....

  hav a good 1....if ya can....RSD.

  Right that down if ya want....hee hee hee


    By the way....who is your "mentor'.....whoever he is....tell him to "get off the glue".

Not sure what to make of that one.  :super:

I guess I just think a bit differently from the rest of the crowd and try to help anyway I can. Tips and advise are more valuable to me than money. If I gave you $10K right now, it would come and go like that. But that little noggin inside your skull is capable of making an infinite amount of anything.

Anyway, I fully plan on retiring before I hit 30 (and that's coming straight from the shithouse, BTW, no daddy's money... he's very near bankruptcy and facing forclosure, anyway). If you think I'm sniffing glue now, check back in 3 years or less and see if you think the same. :wink:

My mentor is millionaire investor right now. I don't think he sniffs glue, either. :laugh:

I meant no offense in offering my tips. I can only hope none was taken. Unfortunately, that's rarely the case, is it? :drool:

you plan on retiring b4 U hit 30....gr8....good 4u.

the reference to yer daddies money ? dont know yer daddy,didn't know you had a daddy,didn't know he was once poor . ?

yup I like helpin' people...ok

yer tips an' advice...ok...dont think anyone took offence,or even noticed for that matter .

$ dont mean that much to you . Thats what you said . OK. So I should check back with you and yer millionair(did ispell that right) mentor in three see if yer rich?
OK...but I thought money didnt mean that much to you.

Anyway....I was just jokin' know...


I dont care if yer Dad is rich or poor , especially if you dont. WOW .
Anyway, have a good night. I hope the finacial page fufills all of yer hopes an' dreams in the morning.

I was chuckin' shid in the earlier post,lookin' for a laff,didn't mean to rehash all the backrupt daddy stuff for ya.

hav a good 1.....RSD
OK Narc.....there WAS a tiny little "spec" left .  NOW...nothing.
 All the respect is gone .

     nuff said....

  hav a good 1....if ya can....RSD.

  Right that down if ya want....hee hee hee


    By the way....who is your "mentor'.....whoever he is....tell him to "get off the glue".

Not sure what to make of that one.  :super:

I guess I just think a bit differently from the rest of the crowd and try to help anyway I can. Tips and advise are more valuable to me than money. If I gave you $10K right now, it would come and go like that. But that little noggin inside your skull is capable of making an infinite amount of anything.

Anyway, I fully plan on retiring before I hit 30 (and that's coming straight from the shithouse, BTW, no daddy's money... he's very near bankruptcy and facing forclosure, anyway). If you think I'm sniffing glue now, check back in 3 years or less and see if you think the same. :wink:

My mentor is millionaire investor right now. I don't think he sniffs glue, either. :laugh:

I meant no offense in offering my tips. I can only hope none was taken. Unfortunately, that's rarely the case, is it? :drool:
Jeez's not everything dude........I promise ya, it won't make ya happy to have lots of money.
Friends, family, good times, a great job, an awesome wife like mine or RSD's, just enjoying life......those things are what make a person happy.
But if ya gotta roll in dough........give er.
BTW: most millionare's don't start out with a plan to be rich one day, they start out with a career, or business they love, and work hard from there, the money is just an added bonus! :thumbsup: :super:
Cap'n, I have read several places where you have stated "Do Not send me Money"  "I've got everything under control"  Well that is all well and good but what does it cost to keep this Board running the way it does? Now if yer doing a little "Forgotten" T1 utilization in the large corporation thing thats cool, but otherwise your looking at money and time.  I still think there should be a way to that everyone could agree to to put some extra money into the board.  I dunno.  Just a thought.  I'm going to go order a couple more shirts...  Thanks as allways Cap'n.

BUTT KISSER....if the Cuptonne suddenly came to a complete stop the only thing hangin' outa his a$$ would be your Adidas.

   Butt kisser, butt kisser, net-nanny net-nanny....

   Just kiddin Rev....someone's got to do it , someone's got to save the Caption    hee hee hee.  

    You are one forgivin' sun-of-O-bidch ... I gotta give ya that thou....

    hack a good 1.....RSD.
There ya go.....pi$$in off the one eyed bandit again......the dude's big time now.........he gonna make you his b!t@h. :eek:
Cap'n, I have read several places where you have stated "Do Not send me Money"  "I've got everything under control"  Well that is all well and good but what does it cost to keep this Board running the way it does? Now if yer doing a little "Forgotten" T1 utilization in the large corporation thing thats cool, but otherwise your looking at money and time.  I still think there should be a way to that everyone could agree to to put some extra money into the board.  I dunno.  Just a thought.  I'm going to go order a couple more shirts...  Thanks as allways Cap'n.

BUTT KISSER....if the Cuptonne suddenly came to a complete stop the only thing hangin' outa his a$$ would be your Adidas.

   Butt kisser, butt kisser, net-nanny net-nanny....

   Just kiddin Rev....someone's got to do it , someone's got to save the Caption    hee hee hee.  

    You are one forgivin' sun-of-O-bidch ... I gotta give ya that thou....

    hack a good 1.....RSD.
There ya go.....pi$$in off the one eyed bandit again......the dude's big time now.........he gonna make you his b!t@h. :eek:  
ya sure monsta....there's always reality to wake the boy up again .

just .....bend over, I'll drive . Bitch talk, Monsterspeechimpediment . You should know better than that.

good, will crumble.....spare yourself the embarrassment.
Cap'n, I have read several places where you have stated "Do Not send me Money"  "I've got everything under control"  Well that is all well and good but what does it cost to keep this Board running the way it does? Now if yer doing a little "Forgotten" T1 utilization in the large corporation thing thats cool, but otherwise your looking at money and time.  I still think there should be a way to that everyone could agree to to put some extra money into the board.  I dunno.  Just a thought.  I'm going to go order a couple more shirts...  Thanks as allways Cap'n.

BUTT KISSER....if the Cuptonne suddenly came to a complete stop the only thing hangin' outa his a$$ would be your Adidas.

   Butt kisser, butt kisser, net-nanny net-nanny....

   Just kiddin Rev....someone's got to do it , someone's got to save the Caption    hee hee hee.  

    You are one forgivin' sun-of-O-bidch ... I gotta give ya that thou....

    hack a good 1.....RSD.
There ya go.....pi$$in off the one eyed bandit again......the dude's big time now.........he gonna make you his b!t@h. :eek:  
ya sure monsta....there's always reality to wake the boy up again .

    just .....bend over, I'll drive .  Bitch talk, Monsterspeechimpediment . You should know better than that.

   good,    will crumble.....spare yourself the embarrassment.
Be careful rubyerdogsthingdown.......I'm gonna pull out my cross and bible. :crazy:
Cap'n, I have read several places where you have stated "Do Not send me Money"  "I've got everything under control"  Well that is all well and good but what does it cost to keep this Board running the way it does? Now if yer doing a little "Forgotten" T1 utilization in the large corporation thing thats cool, but otherwise your looking at money and time.  I still think there should be a way to that everyone could agree to to put some extra money into the board.  I dunno.  Just a thought.  I'm going to go order a couple more shirts...  Thanks as allways Cap'n.

BUTT KISSER....if the Cuptonne suddenly came to a complete stop the only thing hangin' outa his a$$ would be your Adidas.

   Butt kisser, butt kisser, net-nanny net-nanny....

   Just kiddin Rev....someone's got to do it , someone's got to save the Caption    hee hee hee.  

    You are one forgivin' sun-of-O-bidch ... I gotta give ya that thou....

    hack a good 1.....RSD.
There ya go.....pi$$in off the one eyed bandit again......the dude's big time now.........he gonna make you his b!t@h. :eek:  
ya sure monsta....there's always reality to wake the boy up again .

    just .....bend over, I'll drive .  Bitch talk, Monsterspeechimpediment . You should know better than that.

   good,    will crumble.....spare yourself the embarrassment.
Oh Dear, Angry, Crusty, Bitter and Evil  RSD, You do add to the color commentary on the board...

Though I hate to tell you....just so there is no misunderstanding... yer' allready my Bitch!!!!  :laugh:

We got into this once before in regards to the Cap'n and his roll on this board.  He is the Board, Ownes the whole damn thing, pays out of his pocket...Substantial money...  If offering assistance via time or cash is wrong well I am wrong...

Doesn't change the fact that you are my BEEAAATCH!!!!

Now go polish something...Change your oil maybe...    :eek:
Sorry guys. I'm to the point where I can't tell if people are joking or serious anymore and have gotten a bit strained from having everything I say misinterpreted and misread.

Anyways, I need a long break from all of this. If anyone needs anything, email me, call me, whatever. I'll be back when I don't feel like my head is going to explode everytime I post something. :laugh:

NOTHING to do with you guys, either. The stress has just built up a bit too much.

And Capt'n, sorry your thread got hijacked. ICQ me if you need anything. :thumbsup:
Hey Cap.... I'm in the same boat.... It sucks. Laid off in December and only one nibble since then. Started my own gig and it is a slow uphill climb to get customers.

Best of luck.

Can we all help by buying a shirt? (and you NOT getting the 50" TV....)
Narc, Sorry to hear it man, Don't go away, you have a lot to add and there are folks here that appreciate your efforts.

CAPTAIN, I apologize as well for the thread Hi-jacking, this isn't the place for the BS above...

I guess for now buying a Shirt is the best way to Help and as the Cap'n mentioned everyone gets something that way... :wink:
captain, sorry about the job loss. ill order a couple more shirts, hope it helps if shirts dont pay the bills please let everyone know i too have become a addict and will send some $$ to keep things rolling.
btw if you print a few shirts in xsmall ill take em my boy would be the coolest looking kid in school.:D

My 9 yr old wears the small and it fits pretty good, he likes it to hang out and not tuck it in.
Hey Captain, sorry to hear of the job cut! That stinks! Yeah, we can all chip in.

I suggest you charge a fee per post to cut down on the post whores!

External Links Missing
I'm relatively new to the board, but I really appreciate it as a
information and communication medium. I'd be glad to chip
in whatever and whenever. In the meantime, I'll buy a couple
Keep up the spirit.