I've seen the beginning of the end I think... Moral Decay of our society....

Much to-do about nothing....

Just because this kid utilize current technology in an innovative and creative way to find a prom date, hardly makes this "the beginning of the end", nor is it the "moral decay of our society." It may offend your system of values, but it damn sure doesn't affect everyone that way.

Hope the kid sues the dog-doo-doo outta the school district for discrimination. That, or the school needs to apply a uniform policy for the screening of all dates, not just the ones they don't approve of.
i've stayed out of this one so far to keep from making a knee-jerk reaction

first, let's look at typical proms: each student is generally allowed to bring one guest, it can be anyone from a fellow student, one from another school, a friend, a cousin, or even a parent...some people go alone, some get together and go with friends, some bring a date...the rules tend to be don't do anything that wouldn't be allowed at any other school event and dress appropriately

i don't agree with the school being able to exclude anyone just because of their belief system or choice of profession...as long as what they do is legal, they should not be shunned from a public event as long as they agree to act within the normal expectations of the chaperones...just my $.02
StrtRac3r to retspond to you about this comment

Blanca, pathetic, you would let your daughter take a porn star to the prom! I bet you wouldn't!

If you read farther down he states that he would not let his daughter go... but it's okay for someone else of course... that is pathetic... If it's not good enough for your daughter then take a stand for the others too..

So it seems I am out numbered by far with those that think this is perfectly okay, while I may not personally think that it's appropriate I am beginning to see that maybe I am just a prude and not with the changing times... I have to now ask you all another question...

Where is the line, no one responded to my question on what the limites were to I will ask you a specific question...

If taking a porn star to the prom is okay, and the school has no right to limit who can come to it. How many of you would think it is okay for a middle school kid to bring a prostitute to a school dance? Is elementary school okay too? Surely you all have some limits on what is considered acceptable!
Captain, I see what you are saying, but in my eyes, if this young man is old enough to go to war to defend my freedoms, he's old enough to take a prostitute to a stupid dance.
Captain, I see what you are saying, but in my eyes, if this young man is old enough to go to war to defend my freedoms, he's old enough to take a prostitute to a stupid dance.

This has nothing to do with age, this has to do with public school and access to the event. What about the other kids that are not 18?
I think its funny that He said “I didn’t expect this to get blown............. up." :laugh:
This has nothing to do with age, this has to do with public school and access to the event. What about the other kids that are not 18?

I think in your mind you are seeing them "gettin' it on" on the gym floor. I'm not seeing that.
I think in your mind you are seeing them "gettin' it on" on the gym floor. I'm not seeing that.

By no means do I think that they are going to strip on the floor and do it. However, is that really the type of example that we want our kids around? What if your daughter was in the room, is that the example that you want set for her? Why do you think that he chose a porn star instead of a girl from the local library? Because he wants the reputation and public spectacle that goes along with it. I absolutely get his side of things, he is 18 and in high school... Someone has to be the adult, it is supposed to be his mother... but according to many here the school should be sued.. so once again I ask... What is the limit... Bots is it okay if this same girl that you approve of at a high school dance goes with a middle schooler?
By no means do I think that they are going to strip on the floor and do it. However, is that really the type of example that we want our kids around? What if your daughter was in the room, is that the example that you want set for her? Why do you think that he chose a porn star instead of a girl from the local library? Because he wants the reputation and public spectacle that goes along with it. I absolutely get his side of things, he is 18 and in high school... Someone has to be the adult, it is supposed to be his mother... but according to many here the school should be sued.. so once again I ask... What is the limit... Bots is it okay if this same girl that you approve of at a high school dance goes with a middle schooler?

No it is not okay if the boy is in Middle School. The reason it isn't is because of the age. Absolutely NOTHING is going to happen at the school dance. There are parents/teachers there to prevent it.
Honest to God opinion would I care if my daughter/son was in middle school and "saw" a "porn star" dancing with a senior would I really care that much? I'm not really sure I would.

I'm against what some have said about SUPPLYING their kids with porn, but I am a firm believer that the more sheltered your kids are, the more dangerous they become at a later date. As soon as they are out of the house, they are gonna want to do everything you didn't want them to do when they lived there.. No matter how much you think you are blocking your kids from seeing the things they shouldn't, you aren't. Think back to when we were in middle school. There was no internet, and we still saw "porn." And I lived in the boonies.. Just saying, its gonna happen. Should this kids school be the one that steps in and decides what is right and wrong?
And for the record I am anti-suing. I'm a firm believer that is one of the big things that has ruined this country..
StrtRac3r to retspond to you about this comment

If you read farther down he states that he would not let his daughter go... but it's okay for someone else of course... that is pathetic... If it's not good enough for your daughter then take a stand for the others too..

So it seems I am out numbered by far with those that think this is perfectly okay, while I may not personally think that it's appropriate I am beginning to see that maybe I am just a prude and not with the changing times... I have to now ask you all another question...

Where is the line, no one responded to my question on what the limites were to I will ask you a specific question...

If taking a porn star to the prom is okay, and the school has no right to limit who can come to it. How many of you would think it is okay for a middle school kid to bring a prostitute to a school dance? Is elementary school okay too? Surely you all have some limits on what is considered acceptable!

Capt to respond. It is not nor would not be ok for my daughter to do this but I have to respect another parents choice in letting their kid do it don't I? I've been told I can't be against gay marriage and have to respect their right to equal rights so I'm trying to accept another parents right to make their own choice.
People do lots of things I don't approve of but I can't tell them not to do it.
Because she's a 'porn star' everybody instantly thinks the worst? She's going to the prom with him. Seems everyone thinks they are gonna be banging all over the place filming it. What makes her a star anyway? How many movies has she made? Would we be as upset if she was a 'porn novice' :laugh:

And in a final note she has to be pretty smart. She accepted his invite and had gained herself national attention. She is probably now the most googled porn star in the business. She handles this well it will make her millions.
I don't think it is right, it is even worse if a parent would let their son or daughter take a porn star anywhere. That in itself has no Moral value what so ever. I don't have to respect anyone's choice to be gay or be addicted to porn, or drugs, etc. I will most likely not say anything to them but that does not mean I have to respect it. If I think something is wrong how in the world can I respect it?
Stuff like this is why so many kids these days have no morals or respect for anything, then people wonder why kids are so disobedient. It's the parents that do no parenting that is the problem, discipline has to start somewhere. What's the difference in your daughter bringing in a drug dealer or your son a porn star? Both are morally wrong.
So I ask you, are there any limitations on age or profession that you think are off limits? What does the school have authority over?

No age limit or profession. As long as whoever goes to the prom acts accordingly to how they are suppose to during the event.
No age limit or profession. As long as whoever goes to the prom acts accordingly to how they are suppose to during the event.

Same question to you, you care if a middle school kid took her to a dance...
if the kid is 18. he is an adult, its his choice.. her job isnt illegal... i love how you americans always talk about freedom but are willing to shut it down at any moment,, you cant have it both ways. as for dougs opinion i think he is wrong,, but thats my opinion..
kitchener rider said:
i love how you americans always talk about freedom but are willing to shut it down at any moment,, you cant have it both ways

x2 do whatever you want unless I morally object seems to be the new concern