cool thread, but here is something strange on my forks. Rebound - right fork (small screw on the top) has 8 clicks out from full clockwise, and the left has 11 clicks out.... is there something wrong???? How those 2 can be so different??? any advice will be appriciated.
They should be the same.
Sounds like someone had them apart at some time.
Good time to take them apart and change the oil, and put them back together yourself, properly.
I used synthetic 80w gear oil in mine and love it!
Hey Mike,
I thought that muchI was thinking of replacing my springs anyway, so now I have good reason to do so
Thx for the advice. I hope I ain't gonna stuff it up...
What oil would you advice to put in there???
One more thing, since I gonna be doing forks maybe I can change oil in my st. dumper - if so what oil???
The stock Suzuki oil is about 5wt.
I used 5W Belray fork oil.
Don't go too heavy, it can blow the seals.
I used 80W90 gear oil, but straight 80 or 90 works good too.
That makes it a bit firmer.
I think the stock weight is about 10 or 15 if you want to just change it and leave it stock.
Good Luck!
Hi jinks, Iam new to the org and have not had the opportunity to get my suspension set up. I am not very good with these type of things but i do know that it will make a big difference in the way it handles. I am at 225 lbs so after reading your post i am sure that my bike is not set up properly. Do you have a shop? I am in Lake Worth and wonder if you could help me out or advise where to go? My bike is an 08 with about 2500 miles on the clock. I would like to set it up for handeling more than drag racing. Thanks in advance for your time. Rick Slattery AKA Fast Geezer
I have a question on the rear shock and what is quoted above. What is meant by 10 clicks "out" and 7 clicks "out"? I see "S-H" over the top of each screw which I guess would mean soft and hard?My Rear Shock Settings Are...
Rebound (botton screw): 10 Clicks Out
Compression (top screw): 7 Clicks Out
And that's with two full revs more rear shock spring preload from stock factory adjustment.
L8R, Bill.
hey guys! i want to redo the front suspension on my 01 it has 25000km on it.
im looking for advise on new springs where to buy and what to buy!
im 5'10 at 185pounds without gear on.any ideas for me?links where or what to buy?