Wow ,
a thread
that Is still
useful after more
than 5 years ! ! !

Just wanted to say
thanks JINKSTER !

I built up my project
2003 Hayabusa with

parts from all over the place .

The forks came from ebay
and I just dropped them in
and forgot about them .

Once I got the bike running ,
I too felt that soft messiness

to the suspension parts ,
especially when compared
to my Honda Blackbird
and Honda VFR800 .

( I ride a different one of my 4 bikes every day . )

I figured I would tweak with it real quickly
before I took the bike to dinner and
do a better job when I have time .

( I doubted I could make it much worse ! )

Set the rebound and compression per your post
and just screwed the front compression adjusters

all the way in and then back out 2.5 turns .

( I am 195 pounds and it was screwed way out . )

The difference was immediately noticeable ,
I do not know that I could put my finger on it ,

but it was just easier and more predictable in the corners .

I will have to do a complete setup
in the next few weekends ,
but for now , it feels much better !


I am still losing weight so I will keep my settings made by dealer till I am more fit and lower than 195 lbs .I’m now at
210 with no gear on ,I think by mid summer i will be at my wanted weight .


