So you cannot find the guy, You haven't paid a penny for it, the pipes are missing, and it's NOT hot??? Something smells REAL Funny... Take it to the DMV, and have a Title search done.
But you cannot do that can you, you know deep inside you just prolly recieved stollen merchandise... Huh? Huh?
I'd say have it checked out by the DMV or Police, you do not want to get nailed in possession of stolen property. Bad mojo. Best thing could happen is you take it in, it really isn't stolen, and the dude never comes back for it. Worst thing that could happen is this bike goes back to it's owner, and you get a nice warm fuzzy, knowing you did the right thing and you avoided any jail time.
I'd say have it checked out by the DMV or Police, you do not want to get nailed in possession of stolen property. Bad mojo. Best thing could happen is you take it in, it really isn't stolen, and the dude never comes back for it. Worst thing that could happen is this bike goes back to it's owner, and you get a nice warm fuzzy, knowing you did the right thing and you avoided any jail time.