Resurrecting an 01

Wow, sincere apologies for bailing on the thread. I guess I need to setup notifications as I thought it was dead.
Thanks for the input guys.

So I removed the tank and disassembled the fuel pump/filter. Used gas, vinaiger and marvel mystery oil to clean out the yellow dried fuel from prolonged storage.
Completed the filter bypass and added inline fuel filter. Replaced injectors with quality eight hole version. Replaced plugs.
Took quite a few pump cycles to prime all the new fuel lines.
Fresh tank of gas and she’s running like new :)))
Two different days, forty miles or so and all is well.

Today I ventured farthest from home and at the fifty mile mark she stars acting up like before I did all the work.

It starts when I notice a stumble at either higher revs or wider throttle.
It seems to be more throttle opening than revs, maybe half.
Since it was a fueling issue, I wonder if it just needs to be wrung out some more.
I proceed to give a few spirited whacks of throttle and the problem gets worse.
The point at which the revs stumble or fall begins to drop.
She runs, but won’t rev at all. If the revs do come up, they stumble and hit a wall at random RPM with slow or fast wrist.
Figured I would need a trailer. Pulled over to read up on this forum a bit. By now the eng temp had risen a bit over normal from all the low speed revving while I try to keep her running. Five minutes pass and I decide to try again. She fires up and I give a little throttle with success. I decide to give it a try.
Started off just above idle and then most of the ride (fifty miles) is at 3000 RPM.
Got home happy I didn’t have to find a trailer. Seems to run a bit better.
Tomorrow I will try again.
Two previous days and fifty miles leading up there were no problems all the way to redline, then this happens all of a sudden.

I read TPS and side stand could be issue.
Another thing that comes to mind is elevation; I was up a couple thousand feet when this happened.
Okay, so the problem is intermittent.
Took her for a short spin around the neighborhood to be on the safe side.
Rolled up to 100 MPH and 10K RPM very smoothly.
Got home and checked the TPS with dealer mode wire hack; got C00 but with the line at top. Didn’t realize a security torx is needed, so left it there. I’ve also read that crankshaft position sensor could be the cause.
So I think I have the condition narrowed down;
7000 RPM and up with half throttle or more, stumbles and hesitates with throttle applied. Spins up fine all the way to redline in lower gears and throttle opening.
I didn’t engage dealer mode, will try next time
They are tunable
you have to cut a hole in the ECU and Solder some wires with a connector
01 if it is a true 01 is a beast all by it's self


your way is the brutal way ;) at a 16bit ecu of the ´99s-´01s

the best technical way to get the ´01 (and ´00 / ´99) really flashable by a computer is to move from the 16bit ecu to the 32bit ecu of the ´02-´07
as i detailed described here.

- perhaps i over read it then sorry -
- did you clean the external fuel pump´s filters
- did you check the fuel injectors if they are 100% clean & in proper cond
- did you check the tank internal fuel filter
- did you control/check if the the fuel hoses are not bent / kinked and permanently deformed like theses here foundable at this site.

your way is the brutal way ;) at a 16bit ecu of the ´99s-´01s

the best technical way to get the ´01 (and ´00 / ´99) really flashable by a computer is to move from the 16bit ecu to the 32bit ecu of the ´02-´07
as i detailed described here.

- perhaps i over read it then sorry -
- did you clean the external fuel pump´s filters
- did you check the fuel injectors if they are 100% clean & in proper cond
- did you check the tank internal fuel filter
- did you control/check if the the fuel hoses are not bent / kinked and permanently deformed like theses here foundable at this site.
Thanks for adding some ideas.
Yup; replaced fuel pump prefilter, added external filter mod, no kinks in my new lines, replaced injectors.


your busa can´t be a ´01 - your pic above shows the internal pump what is used at the 2002 and later

with same colors but the hawk at the sides.

or did you change the entire plastics ? i can see the blue tail in the rear of the pic above.

and for which bad / dirty fuel is the second filter built in?
is it perhaps partly clogged so that your babe can´t get the needed fuel volume?

in general - when ever i have an issue and can´t find the reason, i rebuild step by step ALL back to original and try if the bike then runs again properly.
2001 from Canada; build date October 2000.
I am the first owner.

From my original post, I performed the fuel filter bypass mod that involves drilling out the fuel pump assembly. I think you might be right about this issue. It seems she is starving when at high demand and alternates between surging and bogging at that point. I guess I shouldn’t have taken the cheap route with the filter bypass and instead spent the money on a new internal fuel filter assembly and maybe a new pump to replace the twenty year old one. This way I would have almost an entire new fuel system. Thanks for the tip, it makes the most sense.

Measured the fuel pump output at more than 25ml but less than 50. I’m going to call it 30ml when the pump primes the system.
Hey NiteRunnr,

I am a new owner and have been through thread after thread hunting the same kinds of problems you are having! I'm hoping there will be an update post? It would be good to know if you sorted this.

My reading has given me the same things as you pretty much and I'm hoping for a simple fix on mine, but it will probably be a total pain. I've read that it could be:

Crank Sensor
Pump/FI system
Crap in the tank.

I'm going to be working through mine as well so will probably tag those on this thread so that hopefully between us we can sort it for future readers. I hope you've managed to solve your issues.
Just realized that I haven’t updated my progress all year!
So it turns out that when I tried to clean the corrosion out of my tank, I either missed a bunch or made it worse. Maybe having a shop perform this task might have been smarter. Next time I would try Vaporust or something similar. Once again, I pulled the tank and filter to find so much gunk I can’t believe it ran at all. Makes sense that hard throttle caused it to sputter. Replaced the pre filter and boom, she’s back. For the price of these online, I’ll be replacing them yearly. Fuel filter mod working grea.
I found a nice little nest on the right side of the engine bay and used two 90 elbows to prevent kinking. The tank lifts nicely and pivots at the elbows.

