Just found my uncle passed on

Nightflight, my deepest condolences go out to you and your family. You have upon you one of the most daunting tasks that can ever be given to a family member. My thoughts and prayers will be with you.

To Nightflight's Uncle, US NAVY, Thank you, Sir, for your service to our country and for defending the Freedoms that I cherish daily. Godspeed
nightflight, Im so sorry, Prayers,and much love sent to you and your family. Stay strong big guy,Im sure thats what he would want..Much love to you and your family at this time.. Hugs sent.. Kare:please::please:
I just googled shingles (the viral infection) he had it.I was told its contagious bit worried about removing furniture bed ect.However it said cant get it that way I was misinformed.Im prob going dump most that stuff.
I gotta go thru the house some time I will have help other family members.Gotta find car keys important documents ect.Im having dumpster brought out.The yard is way overgrown +tick infested 1 of the sherrifs got couple on him.Im going have use a bushwacker to cut it.Theres stairs going down 2 a dock all overgrown.I thought he had a boat but dont see it.Im glad sheriff lives next door.I dont want anybody but family members going in there or on property.I think thats how things come up missing.I gotta open some windows he had the place sealed windows all down curtains drawn I need get some fresh air in there.
Sorry for your loss...

you know some people are just independent and prefer that life.. :beerchug: it was good of you to honor that and still care enough to check in on him.. very good of you..
Thanks bogus you seem like a good guy+your info +help 2 people on this board is top quality.I have go in the house 2day + try find his wallet or something with ss# on it.Hate going back in ths soon but police need his ss#.