Just moved to Ohio &  nabbed my first thief

Yeah dude, you cant x-scape the bullshid, its everywhere.  Just glad to hear you didnt get hurt.

But it does erk the hell out me when people leave their garage door up unattended displaying all of their junk (toyz). Nothing but a personal invitation to thieves driving or walking by.
You are right on that one. The only time mine comes out of the garage is when I'm riding or washing. You never know who is looking at your stuff. I don't have collision insurance, but I do have theft insurance.
Wet, wearing swim trunks, and barefoot. I bet you din't feel anything until you got back to the house. Adrenaline sure does help alot.
glad everything turned out ok,but you made a few BIG mistakes that could have ended up being VERY costly.

1. Left the door up. Even in the best 'hoods you're gonna have trouble with this one. Where do you think the thieves go when they want to nab some valuable #### quick? the bad 'hoods? nope, the good one's. 'Cause they have nicer #### to steal.

2. Why did your wife call your sister first? No offense, but I'd make sure the first call is to 911. Get the cops there ASAP.

3. Confronting a thief in a closed area, unarmed. If this guy is bold enough to walk into some ones garage or home to steal #### what makes you think he wont shank or shoot you if he's cornered. That could have cost your wife a husband. If you HAVE to confront him, make sure you have the advantage, i.e. a weapon that you are WILLING to use. Your life isn't worth the Beemer that I'm sure is covered by insurance.

4. Having your sister come outside and then attempt to chase him? Again, could have been tragic if the perp was a violent one. First rule if there are women and children around is to get them away from harm asap. Don't need potential hostages running around.

anyway, glad things worked out, but I hope you realize how dangerous/tragic that situation could have been
Some pest got inside my ghetto wagon (85 maxima wagon) and rumaged around this weekend. There is nothing of value inside and I don't even lock the doors usually. I have one of those shake em up flash lights with no batterys that he/she didn't take, must of tried it and it didn't work so he/she left it. Dumbazz!

Makes me wanna stay up and wait for the little fuggers!
Some guy was snooping around our house and the neighboors across the street a few weeks back around 3AM. When confronted he said he was looking for a car that hit his.
Good thing I wasn't there, he wouldn't have left with all his bones intact. Baseball bats leave some nasty bruises.
rumblephish you are totally correct ...I thaught the same later on....But at that moment I was trying to make sure he did'nt get away...My wife went in the house to call 911 and inform my sister...I grew up in India ..and we usually fist fight or stab...I am still getting used to the guns in the U.S.A , although i do have a 12 guage for home protection..I would only use it if he was in my house and posing a threat to us...

huntn4heatrs Yes the baby busa is fine & kicking...If he had laid a finger on it..I would have picked him up and carried him to the house and blown him a new hole...

The busa is blocked at the very back of the garage , with the alarm activated...

greeneinc Wet, wearing swim trunks, and barefoot, 235 pounds big gut, 5.9 tall, BROWN & HAIRY Indian ....chasing this crazy crackhead about 6 feet tall , 200 pounds, tatooed all over...tripping and running down the street....YOU BET Adrenaline sure does help alot....I just hope no one saw me running half naked in freezing cold weather...

good catch

here in my neighborhood, I didn't hear a thing in the last 5 years until last week where we had 3 armed robberies on street corners. 2 of them on the same corner. 1st at 8pm, then 9:30pm then 10:30pm
WTF, shouldn't the police be strolling the hood
Glad you and your property are ok. Keep the garage door shut. I have a canine protection unit and the neighbors do too. A squrrel can't take a dump in my yard without me knowing about it!! my hound thinks the busa is his, so potential thiefs would do themselves a favor and stay away from it.
Keep an eye on your stuff, if your Busa's in the garage you never know who he's gonna pass the word on to.

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