Just punked a cop!

Darth Z

We started working on this prank Friday night. Some friends of mine own a bar. After they closed down, we brought someone home, and I had the idea to play a prank on a friend of mine who was on a cruise this weekend. He is a local road deputy, by the way. Well, my friends have some crime scene tape used on previous pranks. Then....we' re not quite sure how, but a whole bunch of house for sale, apartment for rent, and even a chilli cook-off sign found their way into the trunk of my buddy' s BMW. Off to Seth' s house we went! We didn' t do much, other than hide the sign in his backyard, and run crime scene tape around the carport (where his unit is parked), and around the front of his house. We wen' t back tonight, Sunday night, and covered his unit with Post-its, and put the signs up, I will post pics ASAP!! I would LOVE to see the look on his face when he comes home! I' ve owed him one for a WHILE! :rofl:
Gotta love a good sense of humor. This is what my brother did to my sister when she went on a cruise a few yrs ago. I thought it was hysterical but my brother in law thought other wise:laugh:

Noting says redneck like a car half buried in your yard!

defacing public property eh? :rofl: I will never understand why people feel the need to deface a LEO's unit...

oklahoma hi po, i wonder if i could get one of those bikes when they get retired.
:rofl:It is always a good time when you can pull a prank on a cop:laugh:! My brother is a cop here in Phoenix and can't wait till I can do a prank on him. It will be a good one. :laugh::rofl:
Here's one of the best franks I've ever seen done to a cop. It's around the 18 second mark.
Well, I got a call at work asking about the crime scene tape, made no mention of the rest of it. I was debating on trying to beat him to his house, and video his reaction, but he called me at work not very happy. Told me he wasn' t cleaning any of it. Called me after I left work, said he was cleaning it, and had called the numbers on the house for sale signs, to find their owners. He said all of his neighbors asked him if everything was ok, and if he got hurt or something! :rofl: I went to his house after work, we loaded up the signs, and returned them.....what a douche!

Hey, this same azzhat punked me a while back. I just got the opportunity to re-pay him! Him and another officer shrink-wrapped both of my cars, wrote all over the windows with RED window chalk (that doesn' t like to be removed from weatherstripping!), and put a cowgirl up sticker on my Camaro. I had to work the following morning. I have to be at work for 6 AM, but got out of bed at 5:30, rushed to get ready so I could leave around 5:40 - 5:45. I would have been totally screwed and late for work, had he not shown up to help me undo everything. Gotta commend him on that. Now this tard is threatening to retaliate. Guess I need to buy a tire and a starter for the Mustang so I can hide the Camaro for a while. He knows damn well, that my Camaro has always been my prized possession. :( What a sore loser. He just can' t let things be even! :poke: