Darth Z
We started working on this prank Friday night. Some friends of mine own a bar. After they closed down, we brought someone home, and I had the idea to play a prank on a friend of mine who was on a cruise this weekend. He is a local road deputy, by the way. Well, my friends have some crime scene tape used on previous pranks. Then....we' re not quite sure how, but a whole bunch of house for sale, apartment for rent, and even a chilli cook-off sign found their way into the trunk of my buddy' s BMW. Off to Seth' s house we went! We didn' t do much, other than hide the sign in his backyard, and run crime scene tape around the carport (where his unit is parked), and around the front of his house. We wen' t back tonight, Sunday night, and covered his unit with Post-its, and put the signs up, I will post pics ASAP!! I would LOVE to see the look on his face when he comes home! I' ve owed him one for a WHILE!