My Dad was born and raised in Cuba. Spanish is his native language. But when he came here, he *HAD* to learn English. He could not attend a university unless he could speak ENGLISH! There were no Spanish signs in stores. He had to learn English before he could do anything.
I guess it's just the way I was raised. This is the USA - we speak ENGLISH!
Yeah, I'm all for preserving one's culture, I'd just like to see more folks immigrating to the U.S. become PART of the US and really be part of the culture, such as it is. You know shopping malls, obesity, and self righteous Christian indignation.
I find it lazy and arrogant though that "Dem Foreigners"
expect to be catered to and have provisions made so they can speak their native tongue while making no attempt at learning the language. I dunno, if I move to Germany guess what language I'm going to have to learn to survive and thrive, France, England, Italy, China, wherever the hell it is I would expect to learn and bust my butt to learn the local language. I don't expect Germany to start putting up road signs in American for me, I wouldn't expect a numero 2 option for English, so why the heck is it such a hot topic here in the states. I mean other than the reactionary "everyone is special" BS that's so popular in the US.
So I am mostly baffled by the argument. We are supposed to be a melting pot right? We're supposed to be Americans, Americans are made up of all races, colors, creeds, but why is it language becomes some hot bed "cultural" issue? You're here? You're becoming a Citizen? Learn the lingo, and for Pete's sake speak English to your kids as well as your native tongue, give them the HUGE benefit of being bilingual...
Problem I see with this topic is that so often you get some racist knuckle draggin scumbag advocating English ONLY etc... Which turns everyone off and creates a reaction to the opposite.