Kamala mopped the floor with trump last night. So refreshing.

Trump didn’t spend a moment thinking about the consequences of spewing the Springfield, OH crap about Haitians stealing and eating pets. Typical Trump. As always, it’s all about him.

Talk about sad
Hi.so you have never seen Haitins eat cats dogs or ducks is it must be true. I have never seen them do that. I also am not in Spring OH. So I can not say if anything is true or not. At least I hope it is not true. I love cats and dogs ducks are OK.
Hi.so you have never seen Haitins eat cats dogs or ducks is it must be true. I have never seen them do that. I also am not in Spring OH. So I can not say if anything is true or not. At least I hope it is not true. I love cats and dogs ducks are OK.
We’re not there but police and the mayor have denied it several times. The mayor and governor acknowledge the immigrant problem but not the other, which would help their ability to get action. What does that tell you?
I just really get a kick out of the hatred and anger of the lefties towards Trump.
Tells me the Donald is doing just fine lol.
Hi. We you and I most others likley eat cows, pigs and many more animals. Go to Nam back in the 60's do you know what they were eating than? I do. I only beleeve in 1/2 of what I see and 1/4 of what what I am told. Like UFO's YES, NO or MAYBE? Untill I see it someone eating a cat or dog I just hope it is not true.
Do you believe anything you can’t see?
Hi. We you and I most others likley eat cows, pigs and many more animals. Go to Nam back in the 60's do you know what they were eating than? I do. I only beleeve in 1/2 of what I see and 1/4 of what what I am told. Like UFO's YES, NO or MAYBE? Untill I see it someone eating a cat or dog I just hope it is not true.
Thousands of dogs have been rescued from Korean meat markets....hard to believe a lot of them were brought to North America as if we don't have enough dogs here that end up in dog pounds or turned loose....
We’re not there but police and the mayor have denied it several times. The mayor and governor acknowledge the immigrant problem but not the other, which would help their ability to get action. What does that tell you?
As Tucker Carlson says 5% of Haiti population have moved to to US
My wife and I watched a show tonight called "Becker" (1998-2004) with Ted Danson and it is a funny show....

Somehow we missed it when it was mainstream in the day....
We invented humour
Name me any real funny US TV comedy

Not including Taxi , Sgt Bilko

Over the last 10 years ?

I don’t think Brits invented humor but I’ll retract my sarcastic question. I do like a few British tv shows, sadly all reruns now. Fawlty Towers and Are You Being Served were great and the old Benny Hill shows were funny. And geebus man, Taxi and Bilko are way older than 10 years. In the past decade the Connors is pretty funny, Night Court, the Big Bang Theory, Last Man Standing are all funny. Are there any funny tv shows in the UK that are new?
I don’t think Brits invented humor but I’ll retract my sarcastic question. I do like a few British tv shows, sadly all reruns now. Fawlty Towers and Are You Being Served were great and the old Benny Hill shows were funny. And geebus man, Taxi and Bilko are way older than 10 years. In the past decade the Connors is pretty funny, Night Court, the Big Bang Theory, Last Man Standing are all funny. Are there any funny tv shows in the UK that are new?
I will say Comedy on UK tv is now politically correct IT IS NO MORE . you have to see live stand up now

No funny shows :(
4 months ago I defunded the BBC , cancelled my TV licence costs $210 per year and the TV is now Gone

And I do not miss it , gonna start reading more books don’t want to get hooked on social media

I use my laptop to watch some YouTube , I no longer watch the news on TV
I just really get a kick out of the hatred and anger of the lefties towards Trump.
Reaction to a person that constantly lies and acts without a shred of decency tends to lean towards dislike and distrust. Why that gives you a kick is a mystery.
I will say Comedy on UK tv is now politically correct IT IS NO MORE . you have to see live stand up now

No funny shows :(
4 months ago I defunded the BBC , cancelled my TV licence costs $210 per year and the TV is now Gone

And I do not miss it , gonna start reading more books don’t want to get hooked on social media

I use my laptop to watch some YouTube , I no longer watch the news on TV

TV license?
4 months ago I defunded the BBC , cancelled my TV licence costs $210 per year and the TV is now Gone
Is TV license the same as subscribing to cable or broadcast TV? $210 a year would be really cheap here.
I don’t have cable either, just Netflix and Prime Video because I love movies.
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