With helmets, you get what you pay for. I've tried this helmet on, btw. I did extensive helmet tryouts and research when I bought mine. It will probably be fine if you buy it. But, it will not fit like an Arai which has various head shapes and customizable padding sizes so that your head fits snug without being too snug. Free space in a helmet means your head bounces around in a crash which is not good. Also, you vision could become impared when you look over your shoulder or up from a tuck because the helmet will slide around your head a bit. The interior foam quality will have a lot to do with how many months or years the helmet will fit good. The cheaper helmets have foam that loses it's thickness after a much shorter time than an Arai or a Shoei. An Arai or Shoei will have better venting to keep your face and head cooler. And, the Arai and Shoei will be lighter. If you decide on an Arai, it's still going to take you some time trying on the different models/sizes to see which is the right one for you. But, a well fitting Arai is the only one which is almost like wearing no helmet because of the good vision (because the helmet stays put) and the light weight, and the venting. A Shoei could be the right helmet for you but it's more of a hit or miss thing as there are fewer sizing options. So, with the helmet your looking at, it's probably ok. But, it won't have some of the niceties of the better helmets.