Precisely. Diesel works very well, and last I knew - costs less than kero. I'm an industrial mechanic, and have been involved with industrial MRO for the past 15 years. In my studies, WD-40 and the like are merely kerosene-based solvents with additives for cling, surfactants for film strength and chemicals to lower evaporation rate. Essentially, just kerosene with some dish soap (albeit a small amount) added to it. Also, for the record, Low-Odor Mineral spirits is kerosene that has been refined and filtered. The chemical composition is very close, and the flash point is the same. Lately I've been using WD-40 in bulk cans, because the kero smell has really been irritaing my sinuses (long story). It costs more, but does a damn fine job.If you don't mind the smell, diesel works just as well as kerosene.![]()
I would only use kero for tar-removal on painted surfaces, followed by washing. Anything powder-coated should be fine, but over time you stand the chance of "crazing" or degrading the paint.I used kerosene for the first time yesterday to wipe the swingarm. It worked great!! I can't wait to try it on the chain itself. I even used it to wipe down the sub-arm, the rims, and the back mud-guard behind the license plate. One question though: Is Kerosene safe to use on the rim (since it's painted) and the mud guard (since it's plastic)?
EXACTLY HOW I DOES IT...Kerosene works awesome. I put the bike up on the pitbull stand. Put some kerosene in a bowel with a toothbrush.....dip and soak the chain good and give it a better cleaning than the dentist can do to ur teeth. It removes the chain lube and dirt with no problem and most people don't know it but wd-40 will actually cause dirt to STICK to the chain if left uncleaned for long periods of time. Kerosene is a natural oil so what better lubricant for ur chain. Just my two cents everyone does there bike to their own liking. Thats what makes things so cool. Everyone can show u a new trick.
And here I was thinking that it was just me.You know I always wondered how the heck you clean a chain. I just lube and lube and lube...and lube some more and hope it magicaly cleans itself.