Bad cop: 2 weeks ago here in Ontario Canada the longest outstanding murder investigation in the province's history has resulted in the arrest, 26 years after the wanton sex murders of two women, of a police officer (Ontario Provincial Police) who TOOK PART IN THE INITIAL INVESTIGATION of those murders.

The brazen bugger was investigating murders he himself commited!

How do you think he's going to fare in prison?

I'd give him 3 days.
I've just been reading your posts FC, and they sound increasingly and irritatingly arrogant. I said that to intentionally take a poke at you...I'm glad it found the mark. You are awfully full of yourself.

Considering the authority and degree of public trust uniformed law enforcement officers are granted, and the asinine lack of integrity some of your brethern show (re-selling confiscated drugs is a good one...don't tell me it is rare), I'd think you would tread a bit more lightly here.

I'm still curious about your age. You have shown yourself to be quite an arrogant punk. BTW, I'm prior military, pro-law enforcement Republican. When I encountered a cocky punk in the service, I rode his ass. Not a good trait.
Good Cop:
Tooling along I-10 at 110mph between Lake Charles LA and Lafayette on my then Brand new 1000 Ninja. I was tucked in behind the windscreen oblivious to the world when I noticed movement on my left. Looked over to see a sheriffs car pacing me. The deputy pointed at his speedo, I slowed down, he smiled waved and blew past me.

Bad Cop
Two weeks later, spring of 1986 Cameron Parish LA. Pulled over for doing 85 in a 55. Could have evaded but after the experience listed above I wasn't worried. I was arrested bike impounded. Taken to jail, strip searched, given a lovely pair of flourescent orange coveralls and put in a cell with about 15 hardcore criminals! After 6 hours I was allowed to make a phone call. I had to get my boss to come and bail me out. He lived 150 miles away. I spent a total of 12 hours in jail, was cahrged with speeding, reckless operation, and evasion! Cost me $750 to buy a lawyer who just so happened to be running for DA in that parish. He made one phone call and all charges were dropped. Who says you can't buy justice? Just ask me or OJ.

Why are you so abusive to people on this site? I happen to agree with Mr. Bear. The only cops that fear firearms in the hands of private citizens are dirty cops. How do I know? I WAS a cop for three years. What made me quit? Low pay, crappy hours, lack of respect, fear? Nope! I couldn't stand the political atmosphere within the department and all of the stuff that went on behind the scenes. You know... stuff like trashing a guys bike becasue he ran from you!
Here we Go..Talking Gun issues on a Busa Site..who the Hell is against Citizens having Guns ?? Not Me,,but when people make stupid comments about Lawless cops with Guns....what the Heck are you talking About Hello..Hello ????????????? anyone home ??

Cops & Drugs ?? And your point Bear ??,,I speak For me..Drop a Dime if you know about Cops&Drugs..I'll even give you that Dime. Who the Hell needs Druged up Crooked Cops..not me.

I'm only abusive (RyPP) when I see stupid commmets,,Call me opinionated at times..arrogant maybe..I never sugar coat what I feel,,On the street, or On

161 ®

[This message has been edited by FalconCOP161 (edited 10 September 1999).]
Like I said,, I don't sugar Coat anything I say what I Want. I see people making stupid remarks I let them know that "I" think it's a stupid remark. and please don't give me that "I Pay my Taxes BS"..that went out ages ago.

Otherwise I love my Job :)

PS- I even Speed in my Cars..93 Trans-Am & 99 Ford Expidition E.Bauer.
I don't care if you are arrogant and I am quite opinionated myself. But there is no need to attack people, call them and or there opinions/ideas stupid etc. If you need to vent do it at the range when you go to practice or qualify. Please stop trying to bait people into an argument. That is not what this sight is about right? Remember, everything you say or do reflects on you and all other law enforcement profesionals. Watch out.... your attitude is showing!
Falcon FiveO, you sound like a voice of constabulary reason.

Hope you'll post speaking as an officer more often.

[This message has been edited by Dirty Pete (edited 10 September 1999).]
By the way if I got it wrong by stating that you feared private firearms ownership I apologize. According to the media and Billary ALL cops want ot disarm the public and we all know how accurate and believable those stories are. I promise I won't talk about guns anymore

Unless someone else brings it up!
Tec-9 is a the worst gun to own if you want a very,very good gun a SP-89 HK,or so called MP5 military verison,mini uzi carbine or their UZI 45 limited production,long range HK91 or so called G-3 or Remington 700 or any bolt action 50 cal rifle,.223 Dawoo great rifle,45 match colt commander,Star PD45,stop someone quick any 12 ga. shotgun,as far as great motorcycles Hayabusa ,twisties R-1,cruz Roadstar or Polaris,now if you want to go faster get yourself a F-16 or a SR-71,my opinion only.
Had a Barrett light .50 before. Best 5 shot group at 1000 yards 18". Sold that because I lived in the city, made nice profit then moved to the country (not because of profit) and bought a bolt action.

Never had a Uzi .45, but I'm sure there good.

Sure do love Mini 14's.
It's always good to be well armed so you can take care of your family and yourself. Don't depend on cops to be there when you really need them. By the time they show up (IF they do) it will be too late. Around here cops are too busy collecting speed taxes to fight real crime. They drive around aimless day and night with radar blazing instead of cracking down on gangs, crackhouses etc. If you don't know how to defend yourself then become educated. If you are lucky enough (like me) to live in a state which allows concealed carry then test for your license and always carry a weapon you are proficent with and protect yourself. Cops are too busy writing speeding tickets to be there when you are threatened by real crime. Prepare to handle it yourself. If you are married then your wife/spouse should be prepared as well. When your kids are old enough to be responsible then it's time for them to become educated as well in the use and safety of firearms and self protection.
Guy's, I think you are getting pretty worked up over nothing here regarding F.C'S remarks. I'm sure that many of you don't quite understand what police officers really go through on a daily basis. Don't get me wrong, I don't condone the remarks either, but this is really getting out of hand. I can see where FalconCop is coming from. I know a lot of officers that don't mix words when they describe a situation. After 16 years of being spit on, hit, kicked, shot at and damned near fired for poop that I didn't do, it can leave you a little course. I'm not here to brag about how many drunks I arrest nor brag about speeding on my scooters then write some poor guy up for doing 20 over for what I just did or imply that I would damage someones precious motorcycle for doing something stupid like running from the police. I've certainly had a good number of pursuits and God Bless no one has been injured from them. Now I just work selected areas on a Kawasaki Police Motor and write a few citations. I leave the glamerous bullshit to the kids who thrive on the thrill of the moment.F**k that, I just want to go home at night. So I get this Hayabusa and I finds me a Hayabusa web page and what happens, things go to crap over words. Lets be adults here gentlemen and enjoy this site for what it was intended for.
That's my say. I'm outa here, got to change the oil in the Busa.
Keep it safe and fly low....FF-O
Well I guess that kinda puts the kybosh on my plan to do a home invasion on Todd this weekend...

My home protection: A Reuger .22 semi-auto with a 50 round banana clip and a Winchester 12 gauge single barrel 6 shot semi-auto loaded with heavy game slugs. Both beside the bed, on racks under a pretty curtain, way up high where the kids can't get them, chambered with safety on.

I don't want people who come into my home in the middle of the night to hear me chambering my weapons.

Oh yeah...and an English Bull Terrier (they're basically a "nice" Pit Bull) on the ground floor all night.

911 is for car thefts, not for home invasions.
FalconFive-O - Sounds like you come here to get away from work after a long day but instead you get to read these posts that remind you of your job. The general subject of cops/tickets will most likely remain due to the nature of the beast we ride but the extra B.S. that began with the arrival of FC will remain as long as he antagonizes other Busa owners. It appears you recognize this. As Busa owners we constantly have to remain alert to the threat that traffic enforcement poses to us. We also would like to take a break from what many of us perceive as harassment while on the road but instead we get an eyefull of dirt from FC on a web site dedicated to our beloved Hayabusas. In other words - let sleeping dogs lie and they won't bite. (I think you know what I mean) We didn't ask to be hassled by this FC character but we're sure as hell not going to be kicked around (verbally) on our own site. We may have to take that crap on the road but not from some cyberkook who thinks he's supercop. Most every Busa owner here is friendly and easy to get along with as long as you treat them fairly and show a bit of respect. Talking down to them while being on some weird power trip is recepee for disaster. I doubt that we as Hayabusa owners are alone in that aspect. I'm a member of some auto lists where someone like FC would be bounced nearly instantly for these antics.
D-Pete You're bringing a tear to my Eye,,Please Stop.

Five-0 Welcome Aboard Bro !!

161 ®

PS- There are no real Criminals In Canada,,Nothing Like our American Piece of S**T Home Baked Criminals With Tec-9's
Amen to your comments, FalconFive-O. You sound like you have some real class and character.

Barney (that's you, FC), that "Duh, call a outlaw next time ya need a cop!" stuff went out long ago too, or should have by the time you got your second brain cell working on it.

You really aren't the sharpest tool in the shed, Barney.
Well said Todd, I really can't blame you or anyone for the comebacks to FC, he seems to be a bit out spoken and I can live with that. However, I choose to stay and learn more about my BUSA. It seems there are some very dedicated riders here and I agree, most are very polite. Unfortunatley there are those badge heavy officers out there that get a real kick out of making peoples lives hell. I know I work with a few. But it would be a hell of alot worse if we did not have law enforcement.
To me, it's a paycheck, cause I learned a long time ago I can't save the world nor change it.
Keep up the good work, I'll be back.
Up in smoke...FF-O