Geez !! You guys are so easy. No I can't save the world..but I kinda Enjoy making the world A little Less Livable & miserable for the Criminal Element on The streets.

Again people Stop getting worked up over words. I have nothing Personal against anyone on this Site..Some people get baited and just Fall Hook-line & sinker. RELAX)))

161 ®
JimP. >"Me"< Ticket HaHa Ha !!!!,,funny thing the friends I Ride with are also Impervious to the dreaded,,insurance raising little Coupons from your friendly Law Enforcement.

161 ®
Hahahaha Falconcop is the BOMB! "Insurance raising coupons"!!!!!! Hahaha you are a super funny silly tough guy!! You also used impervious in a sentance. You are way beyond "impervious" I just think of you as ten feet tall and bullet proof. Could you tell us about which Sig you carried while you passed out coupons today to those evil speeders?
FC 191 MPH , i hope that was not in a school zone!!! Oh by the way how much was your ticket

[This message has been edited by jim p (edited 14 September 1999).]
Gentlemen, Don't let FC fool you. We don't grant locals who push their luck too far total immunity. We'll nail his ass, brother or no brother.

[This message has been edited by NJSP (edited 14 September 1999).]
I think that this thread is one of my favorites. It is thought provoking especially when one of the participants of the thread is acting like the antithesis of the question posed. My experiences with the law enforcement community are much like my experiences with other occupations and for that matter members of organizations. There are good and bad in every profession I work with and encounter individuals who make me embarassed of my own profession. Do the good ones represent me? Perhaps. Do the bad ones represent me? Perhaps they do as well. I think that this thread was created to examine the issue posed by FalconCop's existence and for that matter the negative stereotypes which are created by a few members of any group. My opinion (for what it is worth) is that we see good and bad in every occupation whether it be the paper boy or the President of the United States of America. Following the above logic it is too bad that the loudest representatives of any organization tend to be the most dysfunctional.

[This message has been edited by Ninjaknight (edited 14 September 1999).]
Mr. Bear - I believe that quote is from the Bible. Proverbs if I remember correctly though perhaps Lincoln brought it to our attention?
Todd, you are so right.. I looked it up and here it is:

"Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding." Proverbs 17:28

Lincoln added the "remove all doubt" part, which is true as we see here :)

[This message has been edited by Zleeper (edited 14 September 1999).]
Hey NJSP, you are so right. I know that if I had a brother officer doing stupid things then begging for forgiveness when he got caught, I would just laugh and say, See ya in court. Judges don't like officers abusing the laws. I'm sure one day justice will prevail. Makes the rest of us look very unprofessional. Maybe he will get his turn in court to contest a LIDAR reading.
By the way what color is your Busa?
Black/Gray here.
Ninja boy...that would be a SIG-226, in a safariland Retention 3 holster. back -up weapon(s) Classified.

NJSP,,Whats your Duty weapon if you're really a Trooper ??

Plus all you people are Hypocrites,,With a perk like getting out of tickets with A Busa,,would "you" to not Speed ??,, the only thing to worry About is waking up your brother officer with a high pitch positive Dopler tone.

poop !! I guess you would folks would get mad at the Doctor for treating his Family and not paying ??

It's a Perk of the Job,,and I make it known. Do you citizens Resent it,,looks that way,,But believe me I don't loose sleep over it,,I doze of easier after a good Chuckle.

161 ®

PS: did a Mean looking Fender-Job on my Busa.

Life is Good :)
NJSP B-k ?? Hmmm..ok B-K what ??

Ninja boy,,7th Special ops Group South America. 83-85

believe me people I'm my own can't imitate Excellence. !!

Damn I'm Good,,Now all of you Bow to me ! :)

161 ®
Ninja boy..Don't BS me and lie to yourself,,cause if you or anyone Else had the Perk of "No more tickets" you would take full advantage of it.

Look up "Hypocrite" in the dictionary..OH MY I Speed Off duty..!! Gimme 20 yrs LOL ))

So Don't try to Impress everyone by your LiL philosophical Bullshit Essay.

"H Y P O C R I T E S"

161 (¦oÞ
Well I just ploughed through 2 pages of poop and 'Mr' FalconCrap has finally proved what I originally only thought to be true.

The man is a bobohead!

I thought our plod were brainless morons, but once again America takes the crown!

Is there no way you can remove him from this environment that most of us think of as a social get-together.

I'm going down to the bunker at the bottom of my garden now in case FC and the boys come to get me .......

(I really think I'm safe because he's buried up to his ass in a gun catalogue somewhere!)
Sure if i was a cop i would speed everywhere i went,but i'm i still do anyway.But why do you continue to talk about it and brag about yourself?
Do you just sit around your house all day and jerk yourself off...your too up on yourself.

Of course you are your own person.
Is this what your shrink told you?
You should know that.
Maybe you can take some more classes and find out why your such an sugar.
This is America and everyone is welcome,just as long you don't kill the good guys.Keep the drunks,killers,drug dealers,child molesters and wife beaters in jail.LET'S talk and POST Motorcycle stuff.You can brag all you want about how fast you go,what tickets you beat bottom line is if you help out your fellow HUMAN BEINGS with out hurting anyone.HAVE FUN GALS and GUYS on your HAYABUSA or what ever you ride.Don't get an ulcer over a posting.Good cops,Ron,Glen from Sunnyvale ,Dave MC cop from Atherton,Dana from MT.View and there's alot more out there.So no big thing!!!Just Ride Safe.
As i have posted here before, i believe FC is just a new name on an old user. Look at
"his" syntax, "his" log in times and their similar confrontational nature. One and the same. Any of the older members will immediately get my drift. Also so interesting similarities in their posts. Hope my Bussa's still safe-
Los Angeles
FC, bigman, I speed all the time in/on both my vehicles too. Out here in Southern Cal, nobody drives the speed limit. If you go the speed limit here, cops pull you over to ask if anything is wrong! :)

I'll be thinking of you and your charming wit when I am riding in 85 degree weather in January. :) :)
Wow Falcon. I can't begin to tell you how bad it hurts my feelings to have you slam my philosophical perspective with such articulation. The aggression in your response tells me that I may have hit a nerve. Maybe you should read what I wrote again and after reading it if it still makes you angry then you need to start looking at yourself. I am surprised you were not screened out of the SF or the police selection process because of your emotional instability. As to your prior service resume I did not ask to see your badges or your 214. Last I knew my 214 combined with a buck fifty will still only get me a 16oz coffee from Starbucks but I will check that out on the way home. I did not know that other people have to bow to me because I am prior service! Now that is a perk.

I don't want to speak for NJSP but I think he meant H&K. He might have made a spelling error, it happens sometimes. If you did narco time I am sure you know about Heckler and Koch and the MP5 series.

I looked hypocrite up and now I know what it means thank you for teaching me. I don't know what it had to do with my post though. I agreed that to speed is human but to brag about your perk is dysfunctional. Where does hypocrite fit in?

You still did not share the mod you did to your fender with everyone?