Yep, that's what I do. For years I've had people tell me about such and such a mission a Special Ops team did, that they were on (probably read about it in SOF mag or some news report) . Only problem, I was on it and I've never met or heard of this person in my life

. I just let them keep on raving about Bla Bla Bla. If it makes them feel better, to me, SO WHAT, I just

down with alot of other things I hear. I just figure that anyone who knows them, knows it's a bunch of Bull left overs

and I really don't care.
Some people just have to live in a dream world, because their real world has ALWAYS been boring and dull. With absolutely ZERO results (to them anyway) . You'll find most spend alot of time watching TV, Movies and being on the NET

. And have a regular non-exciting job (which there is NOTHING wrong with that) . Hint::: Most Exciting Jobs AREN'T and are generally hours of training followed by months or years of BOREDOM