Know it alls that don't know much....

I like to feed the fire then hit them upside the head with a bold dose of undisputable reality.
I don't meet too many sportbike guys out here in Montana. It's just disappointing when I think I'm going to meet someone who is into this stuff as much as I am and then they'll start spewing total ignorance. I'll try to educate them once or twice but once it becomes evident they are a "topper" I just let it go.
Maybe these people that used to have "Busa 1100s" are thinking of the GSX-R1100, which the Busa replaced. Still not a Busa, though...
I had a guy tell me his buddies Honda Rune was fast...I mean REALLY fast. He asked me to guess how fast, so I said 150? No, keep I guessed 160. We continued this until he stopped me and said 300 MPH!!! He was dead serious. He said it was bone stock. Of course, he was also an UFC fighter who almost killed his first opponant with a throat strike. Man was he fun to have around.
The stories just get better when you have a turbo. Everyone had a bike that was so fast. If I hear B.S. I'll call it, unless the person is clearly hanicapped or in front of his friends. I love to shut them down! One guy told me his gsxr 1000 with a pipe and pc make something like 270hp :laugh:. I told him that would be a World record and bet him $ it wasn't true AND got his phone number so I could "follow up". Turns out he was drunk and just minutes after that got like 5 tickets: wreckless, attempted assault on an officer, speeding, leaving the scene of an accident, etc. Sometimes people just LOOK normal.
just last sunday I was out for a ride with my friends, we stopped at light and this guy selling newspapers said wow nice bikes . my friends all have r 1's or gsxr1000 and a few 600's in then me On the 2008 busa. the guy looks at me and said, ya I got me a zx14 it is the fastest ya know! I flipped up my visor and laughed, he said what are you laughing at? I said well every body talks crap on they got the fastest bike when its not here. he said well I can get it and come back. I said deal and bring 100 bucks with you cause if your gonna talk that much smack put up or shut up! Now he said well I am new to the bike and you talking so confident have probabally been ridding for a while so I pass your lucky. I said no not really I just called you on the crap talk you did I would never race for money I just wanted to see how many excuses you would have. light changed we all laughed and started to leave and he started talking crap again ya man you better go you know I would of won..
I'm a "shrink" by profession, and I listen to people all day. With our Busa "image", what I get is locker room guy stuff. I nod, smile, (so as not to offend) and try and change the topic of discussion. It's really all about recognition and acceptance. I'm so glad I'm not that guy!

It just so happens that a guy 2 houses down from me is one of these guys...Now he comes over everytime I'm outside and wants to talk my ear off! Literally won't shut up for 2secs and won't leave until I do, even wants to follow me up to my front door and continue talking nonsense from there while I'm inside! Tells everybody we're best friends! And I'll backup all his stories:rofl::rofl: (which are all bs) He dated my ex's step sister for about a month several years ago and now were brother in laws! HELP!! He had his mom cosign on a zx6 in like '02 first and only bike which he wrecked within 3 days and that was it. He will tell you he's been riding for years and had all these diff bikes and on and on and on! It's obvious he's looking for acceptance as our own .org shrink points out! So my question is there any suggestions to get rid of him without plain out saying leave the **** alone! I don't like you, we're not brother in laws or even friends!! I literally get a headache after 5mins with the dude! He won't shut up. My question is am I going to send him off the deep end when he finds out he's not that accepted (by me anyway) afterall? Any ideas on how to do it the "nice" way?:banghead:
I think you tell him he can hang out IF he starts telling the truth, the next time he starts that BS it's time for him to go home.
If he's not your friend and you have no intentions of, then let him know how it is.
Oh Man, I had this guy that ALWAYS talked about how "When I was with the SEAL teams ... ... ..." He always says "you wouldn't have heard about it, it was classified." Then I ask "well, why you telling me."

My Dad NEVER talks about Vietnam. On the day of my Grandfathers funeral I did learn he was awarded the silver star, in WW II , no one in the family knew. Kinda makes me think these guys don't really talk about that stuff

I was in a seal team . I did 47 missions in five different countries. I have a Barrett .50 with a heartbeat sensor and can hit someone from over a mile away. I served in the special forces for almost three years before I got killed and had to use the 'respawn' button !
The worlds full of bullsh*tters.....what fun would it be without them? I'd miss not having the poor bast*rds to chop down to size, correct in front of their friends, and generally make uncomfortable when they open their yaps to wide and insert their feet to far in :laugh: :beerchug: :thumbsup: The last thing I want is a boring world :laugh:
Funny ... this week my co worker was watching a you tube vid.. from a Suzuki Rep [i think] who said a stock Busa will go 200...Hmmm.. i did correct him but he looked at me funny..... :poke:
I've never understood how lying about something gained you cool points...