True, and as such I would love to see them go. I would not mind them being put on a boat and put out to sea. Then light the boat on fire a couple miles off the coast. I am not even entirely against labeling them as domestic terrorist, but you would have to be very, very, very careful. It would have to be done in small groups. However they meet, whatever it is they call thier little chapters, something along those lines.
I have no love for the KKK, I have had bad interactions with them. I have taken verbal and physical shots from them. But I would not take away their rights as long as they do not intend to do the things to take away others. They can hate a man for his skin color, as ignorant as that is, and they can hate me for not having a problem with a man for his skin color, as long as they don't cross that line I am fine with idiots being idiots.
The point I am getting at is that they are not all violent. There has been change within the "organization". If they can hate non violently, good on them... I guess.
But if you take their rights away because they believe differently than you, then we have a problem. The doors that opens up get scary.<===Agree 100%
You go down a slippery slope very quickly when you begin to censor organizations, even one that preach hate.