Laid off again


The milkman cometh!!!
Donating Member
Title says it all. got to work today put in an hours worth of work and got the news. Hope it is short term.
Bummer dude, I hope everything works out for you, things do seem to fall into place sometimes when you least expect it.
well that just sucks major pieces parts :banghead: Hopefully its a quick turn around for you, look at it this way, now you have time to prepare and come to the bash :whistle: (just trying to be positive ;) )
Oh, Kevin! is there anything we can do? Call and let us know.
thank you everyone. out of work for 14 months and get back to a new job and work for a month and then this.
Still can't do the bash because of school but will try any ways.
i am sorry to hear about it but hopefully this will be a sign for something more reliable in the future.
Oh and I just moved in to an apartment last week on the first. Trying to start over and get a fresh start. Well I guess it is what it is.
Hey bro sorry to hear this. Give me a ring if you want to chat. All the best to you. Hang in there it will get better. - Steph
what is it you do again? perhaps the Org network knows some job openings ???
keep the faith lurch.. as a wise man once said...this too shall pass
what do you do? and could you do it somewhere there was greater demand for your skill set?
Remember everything happens for a reason.. even though it may not be evident to us right now...

You've got my number if I can do anything!!
I had hoped this year would be better than last year but so far, not much change. May be a little worse in fact. Hang on, hopefully things will get better soon.
Oh no! I'm so sorry :( I'm with Jules; hoping things were going to start looking up for you in 2010. Don't get yourself down...hoping for better things soon!!