Wife Got Laid Off

A lot of poeple think they are in control of their lives and destiny. We control nothing. Get through it one step at a time and remember it is the reaction time and experience to navigate through obstacles that makes you or breaks you. Never, ever give up... drinking heavily during this time....:beerchug:
Nothing is over until WE decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!.....:laugh:

keep your chin up, I feel your pain; my family has been going through the same thing for some time now and I'm going to school full time to learn a second career after 14 years in another. I'm well past the sadness, anger, etc. That stuff will eat you from the inside out if you dwell on it.

I decided to throw myself and creative energies into something new.

Improvise, adapt, and overcome. A positive attitude can work wonders.:thumbsup:

p.s. riding works wonders at relieving stress...two wheels move the soul
I hate to read this, I know how you feel right now, been through it all before but I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. We may not be able to see that reason at the time and that is what makes it so tough to endure at times. Trust in God and keep the faith.
I'm sorry to hear that, but it's good you posted up what she does, because we can all keep our eyes and ears open. And tell her to keep a positive outlook, since it wasn't her--it was the economy. She'll find something better in time.

And your family here won't let your family there want for a good Christmas. Please keep us updated, because I, like everyone here, don't want to see anyone struggle through the Holiday.
Brian - best to you and your wife. Anticipate the financial issues that come with sudden decreased income (as best you can) if it comes to that. I was laid off 2x in 1 yr then had the industry I'd been in for years basically collapse. There wasn't a job field to even go back to. Definitely a 'now what' moment.

Had to get serious about my little pashnit hobby. :laugh:
have her look at BCBS, they might have something, not sure but I have a buddy there if she's interested and they have a place local for ya :beerchug:
She worked for GMAC insurance and they were bought out. The company that bought them buys up large companies and then sells them off to over the border companies. It really stinks for her because she had been there right at fifteen years. She was a business analyst and helped write requirements for insurance policies. She can use a computer like no-body's business and can type like lightning. They always called on her to do special projects because she was so thorough. She did get a severance package, but that will only go so far.
I have been trying to kind of pep her up, and tell her that we will work it out, but she knows as well as I do how tight our financial things are.
One minute I am angry, then I am hurt, then scared...I guess that is normal. Just kind of in limbo I guess.

I would like to thank everyone for the best wishes, thoughts, and prayers though. That really means a lot!! I still may occasionally vent on here though if that is okay with everyone!!

Thanks again!

Sounds like our economy at work. As far as your emotion cycle (angry, hurt, scared) goes, it sounds like what I'd be going through in your shoes. Just take a day or two or three to let it sink in and get past the shock of it before you make any decisions. Once you can look at the situation objectively, deal with it like an riding situation, kinda like using SIPDE:

S-can (the situation)
I-dentify (your finances and resources, her skills and potential opportunitys and employers
P-redict possible obstacles to your goals
D-ecide on a plan
E-xecute the plan

Although it's a tough situation to be laid off, it sounds like your wife has a lot of experience and skill so you've got more to work with than some folks. Also, you don't achieve success for 15 years unless you've got the stones to make it work.

Don't panic, don't be overly prideful and keep pushing toward your goals.

Best of luck!!!

PS: If you have IMMEDIATE problems making payments, remember that most creditors DO NOT want to sink their clients and that just by calling them and explaining your situation ASAP, most creditors will try to re-work your payments to help you stay afloat during difficult times.
Nothing is over until WE decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!.....:laugh:

keep your chin up, I feel your pain; my family has been going through the same thing for some time now and I'm going to school full time to learn a second career after 14 years in another. I'm well past the sadness, anger, etc. That stuff will eat you from the inside out if you dwell on it.

I decided to throw myself and creative energies into something new.

Improvise, adapt, and overcome. A positive attitude can work wonders.:thumbsup:

p.s. riding works wonders at relieving stress...two wheels move the soul
The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. Keep your head up, and hang in there.
Wifey has been unemployable for almost 9 years. The initial loss of her income was tough, but the best thing that has ever happened to us is when she became a full time wife. She thought she wanted to go back to work once, so she went out and got a job. That lasted a month and she was back home full time again. If you can figure out how not to send her back into the workforce, you'll both be happier in the long run.