So yeah... Unemployeed, Never been laid off before.

Did anyone see the picture that briefly appeared in this thread?

Photo: BusaWife (Sarah) and JefferyCarman (Jeff).

Post Production: Scar

Scar's Ass.jpg
Dude...I'm so sorry about going on and hijacking your thread.

That's just wrong, and I apologize sincerely.

Hope one day you can forgive me.

My life is but to serve you, my leige.
Sorry Rev. You can join us post ho's here on the org.:whistle:


j/k with ya man. I do hope everything works out for ya.
hate those type of rude awakenings..... but I got the car and the bike already so you will just have to figure out how to keep them I guess...

If you can actually become the house husband, then I do not see why you can not do the ground work for your own design company at the same time... (though some women may argue you will be too busy)..
Of course that just means you will have more time to come up with ways to torment 99'

He needs it :whistle:

and for good measure :moon:
You can always call up or PM me and busawife. It's just a short day trip up. Or down. If you come down, we could take out my boss and say she was a vampire... You could do her job from home... In your sleep... :whistle:
Sucks that it went down like that... but on the brightside... you saw Scar's arse? :moon:

Was great meeting you and no matter what they say I think you are cool to hang out with.

Now if you are giving the busa away I can take it... if you want something for it... I have a 2 year old! :rofl:

You know that's a very good point... :rofl:

Hmm, 2 year old for the Busa? Tell me the 2 year old is Blonde with blue eyes and it's a deal, I hear they get top dollar on the black market... :blonde2:
Light blonde hair and the bluest eyes you could ask for... Hmmm don't tell sarah and we can make it happen :rofl:
Yeah I hope my initial post didn't seem too Boo Hoo Poor me... Sure there's a little of that in there but I really am sitting in a pretty damn good spot. I'm lucky as hell, no way around it.

Timing is what it comes down to... I kinda want to go ahead and put the suit back on for a couple of years and make some serious green so the wife and I can build the Barbie dream home NOW instead of later. Will probably have to wait an extra couple of years if I stay at home and work on my own business before we can get started on building a new home. BUT, the temptation to chill, start doing my own Leonardo thing and taking care of the house is strong.

The Hayabusa has to go, it's been a couple of years now and I just HAVE to do it. SCAR it's all your's if you want her, Blue book, and she would remain in the garage, well looked after. We would of course draw up a contract for legal storage and my responsibilities regarding the safe storage. But It's done if you're serious, Lilah needs a good home.

The BMW... Sigh... I love my car, I waited a good 10 years for it, but you know what, I was allready looking to move on to something a bit more reasonable money wise. It's not that the car isn't everything it's supposed to be, it is, and it's worth every penny I pay for it. But, I am simply NOT driving enough to justify the expense. In a year and half I've managed 7500 miles, yup 7500 total miles on a early 2007 delivered car, so every month I look at what I'm paying Vs what I am using and it's not adding up.

Besides a Chipped EVO-X GSR, or STI, or Volkswagen GTI, or Volvo C 30, all are going to be entertaining, and about $20k less. Not mention NOT being associated with the BMW Roundel anymore which will be a welcome thing.

So I appreciate all the kind words, but don't worry about me yet, I'm pretty rubbery, I bounce good, and I am not that concerned about it... Yet anyway. My fantastic wife is 100% behind whatever I decide to do and what more could anyone ask for?

SCAR, You're killing me...:rofl: I'll be posting the "Evidence" here at some point.

Cheers all and Thanks again for the love, means a lot. :thumbsup:
Definitely glad to see you are taking it well. Sad to see you in this situation, but you seem to have it at least somewhat lined up. You know what you want and how to get it. :cheerleader:

Of course getting rid of the Beamer means you will be out of the "crowd"... :poke:
Rev, my brother. It is because you are such a spectacular person that all the love shown here is yours. It's genuine and heartfelt.

I have a couple of questions, though...

1. Does 'rubbery' = 'soggy'? :laugh:
2. Lilah needs a good home: Is there a better one than yours? I think not.
3. Would you (only you) be willing to take her out once a month or so to keep her fresh for me?
4. Why did you stop? :moon:
5. If I say 'please', will you let me know before you hit the 'send' button on the 'evidence'? Thx in advance.

I'll look into the purchase details on this end and advise when I have reasonable data. If I opt out, I'll help you find that good home you seek.

Dude, you totally rock.

Your brother in throttles :beerchug:

Persona non grata translates to "person not welcome"; of course, you've probably already googled it...

...and FYI, :moon:
Didn't google... I was being assaulted by the 2 year old. :poke:

:beerchug: to you Revlis! Do what makes you happy and if you find a buyer for that kid :whistle:
Didn't google... I was being assaulted by the 2 year old. :poke:

:beerchug: to you Revlis! Do what makes you happy and if you find a buyer for that kid :whistle: are encouragable. You could retire in some countries with the grip o' cash you could get for 'blond/blue and barely two'. :rofl: