Lane Splitting ?

Ball bearings work well for a#$holes.

Ball bearings that old gag !!!!

Riding here in New York City now for pushing 25 years Im ashamed to say, I indeed know first hand of the magic and sheer disctruction to car windshelds and windows of the ball bearing, also known as the infamous machinery bearing...

Now please forget I said that !
In Tx it's illegal, but if an A'hole in the fast line won't move over and is keeping pace w/ the car right next to him, I'll split them every time.

Or if there's a traffic jam and I want to get to the exit and I'm in the left lane i'll split lanes till I can reach the shoulder, then take it up to the exit.I figure it's just one of the perks of riding a cycle instead of a cage.
I like the idea, why sit in traffic wasting fuel and polluting the air if you don't have to?
It should be 50 state legal.
I like the idea, why sit in traffic wasting fuel and polluting the air if you don't have to?
It should be 50 state legal.
yup... only problem here is we do not have traffic
even in town, only one intersection where you might have to wait more than 1 light change to get through... I sure miss 8 lanes of gridlock......(NOT)
A pocket full of crushed spark plug will do the trick on some a--hole blocking your split. One tiny little piece will shatter a window.
Lane splitting is the norm in the uk , and the drivers are getting more aware and considerate in the last 10 years , still a few muppets though
As far as I know, the only state lane splitting is legal in is cali. I've done it two or three times. Once, I was trying to catch up to a rustdang that did a little showing off. Another time when two cars were going painfully slow on an on ramp.
Im not in CA now but when I lived there, I lane split 100% of the time. Lane splitting is done on the streets/freeway while cars are moving or moving slowly (such as bumper to bumper rush hour traffic). off the freeway, the other time saver is Filtering. Filtering is where you move to the front of traffic at a light. Fliltering saves the most time when your off the freeway. I would never sit at a light for more than one traffic light cycle. Some SoCal freeway entrance ramps have stop lights. These lights can back up traffic over one mile. Imagine sitting in rush hour traffic waiting to join the parking lot on the freeway! Filter. Enter. Lane split. My moto commute in San Diego would cut my car commute down by over 50%!

for ever one cager who tried to keep me from splitting, there would be 50 cagers who moved out of the way. CHP moves out of the way too!
If I am riding in Sacramento traffic then it is on the white line. Most times I don't even have to stop on my 15 mile commute, I just breeze up the middle the entire way home. The only time I forgo this is when I recognize my attention span is not as keen as it should be. You must be extremely vigilant when splitting, especially when coming out between two cars at a traffic light.

If you are in California then it should be a crime NOT to.
I am from Cali and now live here in Oklahoma, the Ok official motorcycle rule book says it is discouraged as unsafe but does not state if it is illegal. I did it the other day and got pulled over by a local popo and was warned. Istill dont know if it is illegal or not.
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BUSA159 @ May 31 2008 said:
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I like the idea, why sit in traffic wasting fuel and polluting the air if you don't have to?
It should be 50 state legal.
yup...    only problem here is we do not have traffic  
  even in town, only one intersection where you might have to wait more than 1 light change to get through...   I sure miss 8 lanes of gridlock......(NOT)
I got some news for you Mr. B...They added a couple of lanes...

It is now TEN lanes of Gridlock!


its illegal but i've been known to do it when people ride side by side doing 15 under i have no problem gripping and rippin it past them just to keep moving cause usually when people are ahead of me doing that other people are riding my azz
Car = 1.5hr commute
Bike= 0.5hr commute
Stupid cager (intentionally) blocking path + pissed off biker = minus one mirror
The look on cager's face as you speed away = Priceless
Hey I'm out of chicago and i do it all the time while the cars are moving on the highway. I don't see noting wrong with it
Hey I'm out of chicago and i do it all the time while the cars are moving on the highway. I don't see noting wrong with it