latest mods

(thepushercg @ Feb. 11 2007,12:43) the bar ends are throttlemeister out of milwaukee wisconsin.

pipefighter248 very nice color.
maybe a website or something would be cool.....
my throttlemiesiters are the heavy duty ones
about 15 bucks more, but they help with the vibrations.
i really love mine, it takes a strain off the right hand.
Hope the chrome panels work for you. I went with painted panels instead; thought the chrome glare might blind me on a sunny day. Post pics when it's done.
(1BadAssBusa @ Feb. 11 2007,20:24) Hope the chrome panels work for you.  I went with painted panels instead; thought the chrome glare might blind me on a sunny day. .
i am worried about that myself now that you have brought it up, i might have to reconsider and paint them instead..
What up Bro lookin good
see you been hard at work
can't wait to see the panels
I'm thinking of painting mine
before spring.

P.S thanks for the master cylinders got em' on last weekend
Mike.P175 post up some pictures of the reservoirs on your bike.
thanks to everone for the compliments....
(thepushercg @ Feb. 11 2007,14:11) here are some of the latest mods done
the first one is what the 06 le looks like with a chrome gas lid. thanks to nathan pushing me in that direction..

That sure is purdy. Nice job
I want the bolts from that gas cap, I just don't like the possibilty of the gas cap gettin dropped n chippin the me, it would happen to me