latest mods


i think it looks good.... one more small mod to enhance it. would be to polish the triple tree...
(thepushercg @ Feb. 11 2007,18:39)
(1BadAssBusa @ Feb. 11 2007,20:24) Hope the chrome panels work for you.  I went with painted panels instead; thought the chrome glare might blind me on a sunny day. .
i am worried about that myself now that you have brought it up, i might have to reconsider and paint them instead..
Just to let you know you will get blinded big time from your panels. I don't have mine done(getting them painted) but I rode my buddies and when the sun hits it just right it's like a spot light in your face. But they look great chromed and it's what you want and not what anybody else wants.

I get blinded from my bike and I have everything except my grips chromed. When the sun hits my triple tree I see white spots for about a hour. Oh and in the summer you feel the extra heat from the glare off the triple tree's. Just my .02

(1 BAD 2K @ Feb. 14 2007,07:57)
(thepushercg @ Feb. 11 2007,18:39)
(1BadAssBusa @ Feb. 11 2007,20:24) Hope the chrome panels work for you. I went with painted panels instead; thought the chrome glare might blind me on a sunny day. .
i am worried about that myself now that you have brought it up, i might have to reconsider and paint them instead..
Just to let you know you will get blinded big time from your panels. I don't have mine done(getting them painted) but I rode my buddies and when the sun hits it just right it's like a spot light in your face. But they look great chromed and it's what you want and not what anybody else wants.

I get blinded from my bike and I have everything except my grips chromed. When the sun hits my triple tree I see white spots for about a hour. Oh and in the summer you feel the extra heat from the glare off the triple tree's. Just my .02
I have felt some of the quoted statements above myself, so I purchased some of the yellow lense shades or glasses. Made 100% difference!
since i have here down again for mods, here is the cheap mod done today.
from reading the how too's on here i took my old tail light assembly and got the sockets out of it , then done the parking light turn signal mod. i used two amber 1157 bulbs i had for right now. then i went ahead and changed the oil in the steering damper i went with the 80 weight on that. i will paint the panels tomorrow or thursday , sending the mirrors off to be chromed tomorrow.

(thepushercg @ Feb. 11 2007,12:52) started sanding with 80 grit
then 120/400/600/1000/2000
i have got to go over them once more, starting at the 600 level
there is a couple of small areas that i used some spot putty on.
i used a hand sander for the 80 heavy duty work, then the rest by hand.
also primed them about three or four times.
the upper panels i really didnt put a lot of work into them since there hard to see anyway.

by far the hardest sanding i have ever done .

The chromed inners are going to lQQk schweet, don't ask how I know.

I basically sanded mine using the same steps, just make sure you get them nice and smooth before you send them out.