I started here like most guys who frequent both sites. Was just a lurker for a while at LaBusas. Was not too thrilled with some of the drug talk at first; then I found that a lot of the guys are talking past tense and have been clean for years. There is still some bravado about it, but it's kinda like kids making a big deal about smoking a cig behind the barn.
It would not surprise me if there were more hard core current drug users on Dot Org.
There is some porn, but it is far from a porn site. It's just another way to stake a claim to being a badass site.A different kind of motorcycle site.Sometimes I think DP is a bit disgusted that it has morphed into something vaguely civilized.
Gradually I realized that most of the discussions here involved things like how many turns to tighten your wellnuts for optimum security on the windscreen.
Or 5 different topics in one day on the merits of various tires on the Busa; all with virtually the same info and posters. Or should I get the light or dark tint on my Double Bubble? For the 635th time.
Guess what? The LaBusas site was a welcome change. Outrageous, sure, but funny, very funny!
I still drop in on Dot Org, and try to help out when someone, usually a newbie, has a question. The truth is, though, that this information oriented site rapidly becomes boring and dehydrated after a few months.
The other site is simply more fun and will have greater staying power for that reason. If you have an outrageous sense of humor and like to laugh at life, you might like LaBusas. Otherwise, play it safe and dry with Dot Org.