Start out small and slow and work your way up. When you so decide to buy. Set aside funds for quality helmet,and gear. Not a full face helmet, tennis shoes, shorts and a T-shirt. Protect yourself from bad choices, your inexperience, the motoring public and the weather. Enroll in MSF. Take the BRC and ERC. Remember these are only basic schools. If you have a local track, seek out training there. The street is no place to push the envelope, there are too many variables you cannot account for or control.
Most of all listen to the people who have experience. Most Busa owners are mature safe and responsible riders. (I have not met a squid on a Busa yet) Making a Busa your first motorcycle is a bad choice for most.
Most of all listen to the people who have experience. Most Busa owners are mature safe and responsible riders. (I have not met a squid on a Busa yet) Making a Busa your first motorcycle is a bad choice for most.