Legal Question

Get an attorney cause he's gonna need one. They think they've got their man, and they won't let go of it just because he says "it ain't me"...
Gut says guilty. Will it hold up in court? Unless there is an eye witness who can positively identify the rider and motorcycle, doubtful. Sounds easy to shoot holes in the ID from the cops. Lots of bike with triangle shaped headlights out there. 190 plus? doubtful. Either way, I bet he is asking himself if it was worth it. Gonna gost him cash for sure and maybe a bike also.
i have learned one thing in the last couple of years and thats say nothing to them and always pleaad not guilty. Fight everything, unfortunately like I am right now in New York. Wont be crossing into the states until this is cleared up.
Outlaw, we have an extradition treaty with Canada :laugh:
Gut says guilty. Will it hold up in court? Unless there is an eye witness who can positively identify the rider and motorcycle, doubtful. Sounds easy to shoot holes in the ID from the cops. Lots of bike with triangle shaped headlights out there. 190 plus? doubtful. Either way, I bet he is asking himself if it was worth it. Gonna gost him cash for sure and maybe a bike also.

He says he's done for a while. Too much power too little maturity. He's going to sell his bike because he's got a young family to focus on. Apparently shortly after all this he found out his wife was pregnant.
right or wrong in this case get a lawyer. A traffic lawyer may be ok to handle it. he can get police records. no plate was called in at the time of the chase. courts go by facts not gut feelings. they have to prove it was you. if he goes alone they will find him guilty. With a lawyer they will toss it out. Its going to cost $500 and up. shop around for a lawyer. they will see you and hear the story for free

Five Hundred Bucks? There is not an attorney in the US that will take a "Felony Evasion" case for five hundred bucks. If he is lucky he may get by with $2500 but it's doubtful. Most states take running from the blue lights seriously.

If convicted I'm sure he will loose his license for some period of time. Then it's SR22 insurance for 3 years (In Washington State) and that aint cheap. For me, running is never an option. The consequences of getting caught is just too severe!
There are only 3 outcomes of running:

1 - Get away scot free; if the don't get a license plate and come find you later..
2 - Get caught, cuffed and stuffed and the legal ramifications
3 - Crash while running, hurt/main/kill yourself or anyone else nearby.

I think I'll pull over take my ticket and live to ride another day.