Lets see some pet pics. ..... My dogs.

Hello everyone I have been lurking around for a while but couldn't resist putting up some pics of our boys.
Here is Gus (Fawn) and Max.

I know what you mean about sleeping in the bed.

I have two, the first is Zues, he was bought as a "leftover" from a litter because he has bad knees and hips, no one wanted him, I still paid 120 for him.
Second is Dozer, he was lost by people who cut his ears with scissors, then found in the middle of a busy street, turned into the pound, claimed by a lady that did not actually own him, tried to sell him to a pet store where a friend worked. Friend got her number, I called her bought him from her- for 40 bucks. And last pic is of them hanging out in the kitchen.

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This is a picture of my miracle cat. A coworker witnessed his mother get hit by a car. She was still pregnant and the impact killed her. Coworker being an animal lover figured she had nothing to lose and did a C Section right there and cut 6 kittens from her. We took two of them as 6 was way too many for her to care for. Vet said none of them would survive as they were so premature, he was all of about 2 1/2 inches long when we got him and had no hair. Three of the six did survive. Picture is when he was about 1 year old, he's now 7

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I dont' have a good picture of our miniature Schnauzer, Gracy, so hopefully Diana will post one up later today. We also have an orange tabby cat (Borris), a calico cat (Eva) and our oldest son has a 6' Dumerils Boa names Trouser.
First one: Cassiopeia on the left and Conan on the right.
Second one: the same
3rd: Cassi in her natural state!!
4th: This is for Doyle, arrggghhhh
5th: what a ham!!!
6th: she is not at all impressed!!
7th: Ready to ride!
8th: at least they travel well!


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ohhh mannnn love this thread. here's out girl doing some kung-fu push hands with me.
