Lets see some pet pics. ..... My dogs.

We recently decided to get a dog after years of having just cats. We decided to go the "rescue" route and utilized a boxer organization. I grew up with boxers. We picked a breeder mill female, approx. 6-7 years old, was malnourished, lots of wounds, teeth problems, etc....We soon discovered she was blind in her right eye.

What a great dog. Show them some love and they are yours forever. We were told she liked cats but not sure if they meant for a meal. The cat is not used to dogs but doesn't mind since he has claws......

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What the heck is this dog doing in my house???? Oh, I forgot, the cat's name is Sam and the dog is Autumn. The rescue group said to name her what we wanted but we figured she was already named and it was not a bad name.....

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Thats Diesel, our Lab/Boxer mix.. Or better known as You dumb damn dog.


And thats Jake,, he still does not know hes a boy not a dog. At least he dont have ot go out ever 2 hours.
Here are my little darlings... I miss them more and more every day.

Daisy is the brindle and Duke is the blue fawn.

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My wife and I run a small rescue out of our home...These are some of rescues we have right now....


This here is my dog Bob...He is a Aussi mix...

And my other Dog Bam...He is a AKC Boston...
Lots of bed pics here too! Mojo would die if he had to sleep outside like a real dog!


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