Lifting Bike Alone using bike stands

I got a Baxley front wheel chock. You simply roll your bike onto it and once it's in It's In..... not going anywhere :whistle:

After that putting a rear stand on it is a breeze :beerchug:
I could offer advice, but my past would come back to haunt me.

She's a big girl to lift on the stands.
i have a cycle cat front and suzi rear and lift the ol' girl up on those things all the time. it is definitely awkward for the 1st dozen or so times but you get used to it. i just grab the seat from the side for grip and up she goes effortlessly.
I just take the seat or the hump off, and use the bar that the seat latches to. Works perfect, and I don't need the grab bar on.
Also, I stand on the left side (kickstand side) hold the bike up with the bar, then just hold that bar with my left hand while maneuvering the stand with my right arm. Its easier with some stands than others. I think honestly the pit bull rear stand is the hardest to use by yourself...

I do the same in a pinch. Make sure the forks on your stand are engaged and hold it by the bar. Also make sure your front wheel is not turned to the side. Once you put pressure on the stand handle the stand won't slip out so you can let go of the bar and lift her right up. I always get help when taking it back off though.