Long Island guys

I'm just working on something for late August, that's all. Maybe a little celebrity type stuff...

There better be some rides sooner than that!
Like 05/19,05/26,05/27,06/02,06/03,06/09. Those dates are all weekends.
You want to get something going for the 5th or 19th?
All you people can say when and I'll come! I have nothing to do but ride, once I get my gauges back! So whens it gonna be?
i can make the weekend rides !
been a long time since i could say that !
charlie sending you a pm about miles and miles of twisties i found by the new job ! just before i go blasting down them for a test run , i have to ask ?
I remember a ride that was called off due to the wind I was going to hook up with you on central avenue to meet the guys from LI.
I sometimes take a blast to yonkers to see my dad.
Yes you are right that the ride we were supposed to go th vist the Vanderbuilt Mansion ... We will go this summer for sure ....amongst a bunch of other places ... Much planning going on here
April 15th if weather is good? Maybe meet somewhere like LIE 63 for a meet/greet. If weather works maybe head east?
The 15th, Ummm Yea I should be good 2 go! Let me check the work schedule................

Yep were good, I dont work!!!! lol