longest trip on your turbo bike???

been about 7 hrs here. Could go longer..... its gets old riding that long around here because all the roads are so boring. I'm sure I could go longer if I had roads worth anything.
this past sunday i rode from tennesse to new jersey the scenic route. i got on my bike at 9am and got off at midnight. i stopped for lunch, dinner and gas. longest break was 30 min. 714 miles. felt it more the next day then the day of. rcc stage 2.
Where in Tennessee wer you, if you were close enough I'll be pissed you didn't contact me:beerchug:
350 miles in 2 hours 20 minutes
Wait just a sec here, I'm not going to do the exact math, but thats somewhere around a buck sixty + and you all by yourself with nobody else rideing with you ran 160 for better than 2 hrs, what did you do for fuel, cause you did not run 350 miles on a turbo bike at any speed on one tank of gas, still if you stopped and did not figure that in your time, thats still 160+ for 2 solid hrs. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
hey guys, new to the forum, as soon as i got my rcc stage 1 put on, it blew a head gasket on the first ride. sucked... but now i got it all fixed and its been really cold here, however i did get to ride it for 3hrs last week. BOOST IS A BLAST!!!
Rode my Mr. Turbo system from Motorheads, in Cleveland,OH.to Charlotte, NC. Roughly 8 hrs and 515 miles all in one Saturday. It was a great trip!
I have ridden my 2000 turbo busa to deals gap twice (700 miles each way from home 1 day there 1 day home) and florida (orlando 1400 miles 2 days) with only 1 issue i had a slight oil leak from the turbo. When placed on side stand. After a few conversations with some friends (ted hoffmeister the original mr turbo and red ryan) i changed oil and brands and the slight leak stopped. Not sure why but it worked. The new one will be ridden to deals gap this year for the busa bash from my chicago home.
I have ridden my 2000 turbo busa to deals gap twice (700 miles each way from home 1 day there 1 day home) and florida (orlando 1400 miles 2 days) with only 1 issue i had a slight oil leak from the turbo. When placed on side stand. After a few conversations with some friends (ted hoffmeister the original mr turbo and red ryan) i changed oil and brands and the slight leak stopped. Not sure why but it worked. The new one will be ridden to deals gap this year for the busa bash from my chicago home.
Let me know and I'll meet up with you for part of the ride in...lol us boost junkies need to stick together.
I have been to ashville NC with a few friends we went there to visit there family on one of our Deals Gap rides. Great people I might add seems everyone from that part of the US are very nice and always gave us a warm welcome. I will keep you informed.
i don't know how you guys ride that long? i rode for 2 hrs straight last week and my ass felt like :moon: i couldn't wait to get off it. after a @ 15-20 mins i was fine. it must be the stock seat. its not very soft and comfy
18-40 here, I'm tuned real lean 14-1 untill around 4000 rpm then she goes to 11.8:1. As long as I stay out of the throttle mpg is good...{but who can stay out of the throttle on a turbo busa...lol}
5 hrs is about as long as I've been in the saddle. Any marathon riders out there on boost?

14 hours here on my 05 (in and out of the saddle for necessary stops), can't wait to get my turbo 05 out there on one of our ECHR rides this year and break the 14 hour record.
