Looking for someone in or near Irving, Texas

I received a package today from Irving, tx. I suspect it's my cluster. I'll find out when I get home if it's still in proper working condition like it was when it was sent.
Wow...a montha and a half later! That blows! Hope he at least got it fixed.
It was sent out right before christmas and he received it jan 2nd. That's 2 months since it was shipped. I'm anxious to get home and open the box to see if it's still in good condition. I read a post online that he broke someone's cluster prior to sending it back.
Got the cluster back and its been rolled back and working fine. I haven't heard from him yet about payment though. I told him weeks ago to send me a paypal invoice and nothing yet.
Man..Im worried I sent mine to him also. He sent a paypal for $135 on 7/31/2013. I paid it and he assured me via text and calls that it was going out on 7/31. I have yet to receive it yet and he refuses to answer my calls or send me a tracking number....
I think I sent him the cluster 3rd week of december and got it back first week of March. He kept giving me excuses about being out of town, driving his truck off and over pass, his sister adopting 4 kids and suprising him, and wtv other bull****. I think the only reason he sent it back is cuz he got tired of getting calls and txt from be daily.

He kept promising to send me tracking in the evening when coming home and then 2 weeks later would tell me there was a mix up and the package was returned or that the person he asked to ship it didn't do his job. All in all, his service was complete sh*t and I'm surprised that I even got back my cluster let alone the fact that it was rolled back.

He originally promised a 48 turnaround before it was back in the mail to me.
I think I sent him the cluster 3rd week of december and got it back first week of March. He kept giving me excuses about being out of town, driving his truck off and over pass, his sister adopting 4 kids and suprising him, and wtv other bull****. I think the only reason he sent it back is cuz he got tired of getting calls and txt from be daily.

He kept promising to send me tracking in the evening when coming home and then 2 weeks later would tell me there was a mix up and the package was returned or that the person he asked to ship it didn't do his job. All in all, his service was complete sh*t and I'm surprised that I even got back my cluster let alone the fact that it was rolled back.

I have filed a Paypal resolution..Although the Paypal acct shows to be in the name of "Shirley Gao". Yep I have called, emailed, texted, etc.. The last time he answered and just set the phone down and I set there listening to him promoting his service to someone else. It sucks because Im putting this bike back together for the family of friend that died.