remind me to stay outta irving, tx

I don't have much symmpathy for people driving without licence, insurance and registration.  
true. All I read were excuses. We ALL KNOW those basic things we should do.... come to a complete stop, have insurance etc, sure the cops may have gone too extreme, but the origin was LAW BREAKERS. You play, you pay. WE ALL know that.
I don't have much symmpathy for people driving without licence, insurance and registration.
true. All I read were excuses. We ALL KNOW those basic things we should do.... come to a complete stop, have insurance etc, sure the cops may have gone too extreme, but the origin was LAW BREAKERS. You play, you pay. WE ALL know that.
If they don't actually have licenses or registration or insurance. If they have the items, just not in their car, a fine instead of jail seems more reasonable.
Granted we don't know all the facts, but my guess is when the officers mentioned "arrest," the people flipped out. But the arrests sure seem to be way out of proportion to the offense. But, hey, they'll learn when the civil lawsuits are filed and they cost their own department a few hundred thousand in settlements.
There has been a lot of talk about arrests and impounding for not having insurance, but nothing on not having proof. There is a big difference in the two! Maybe the two cops are mad they didn't get their free Starbucks coffee?