Women confuse the PISS outta me..

Um, maybe because you actually put yer feet on her boobs. She was basicly giving you the go ahead for some playtime and you blew it.  Sounds like this is attempt no.2 for her.
HA!!! Little info I left out on this piece...
We were at our weekly church group dgathering at my friend Lori's house... It's just a bunch of friends of ours that get together, but still...
Drunk at a "church function" What church is that one? I may want to join!
Um, maybe because you actually put yer feet on her boobs. She was basicly giving you the go ahead for some playtime and you blew it.  Sounds like this is attempt no.2 for her.
HA!!! Little info I left out on this piece...
We were at our weekly church group dgathering at my friend Lori's house... It's just a bunch of friends of ours that get together, but still...
Drunk at a "church function" What church is that one?  I may want to join!
2 seperate occasions... she called me drunk another time
Um, maybe because you actually put yer feet on her boobs. She was basicly giving you the go ahead for some playtime and you blew it.  Sounds like this is attempt no.2 for her.
...and next time, use your HANDS - not your feet!  
So, if you can... Explain why a woman would call a guy she knows has a crush on her, and had to distance himself from her for the reason of that crush and the pain it caused him, when she's drunk around a group of rednecks at Smith Mt Lake? And to add to that, the weekend before she was basicly inviting me to play with her tits! (long story short, she was rubbing my moobs with her feet as I gave her a foot massage, I told her fair is fair if she continues... She continued... my feet were on her tits) But she doesn't think of me like that... WTF??!!!!!! Does she not realize it kills me when she does this ****?! FUGG!!

You know, it's funny, I thought I was over her till this crap... Yippee...
I know exactly what you mean. I had a crush on this chic for a long time, she used to come over alot to hang out (her bro and I shared an apt.). She used to always flirt, started laying on my lap watching movies, we would go out with my buddy and his girl all the time, she'd call me at all hours. Was really starting to feel like something was going on. I called her out on it, and she stopped talking to me for like a week. WTF?

So after she stopped being an immature ***** we went back to just awkward friends. I don't see her much now that I'm not sharing the apt with her bro. It's good because I wanted distance too. Well the past couple months she keeps texting/calling me wanting to go out. "What am I doing?".. Can I come watch you play pool (in an APA league)... all this and she has a BF. WTF, you just like playing with my head?
...and next time, use your HANDS - not your feet!  
Well said.

A few words of wisdom if ya don't mind.

The one that cares/loves the least is the one in control.
Most women know this very well and use it to stimulate thier egos, as some men also do.
Chances are even if you did hook up, you would always be number two in the relationship. Not equals and that is just a path to distruction.

If the situation arises again be cold (look past her when you talk) and see if you get a different reaction. If nothing changes..........move on!


Lastly, "the fugging you want is not worth the fugging you get"
+1 on church membership.

there are a lot of 'em out there that thrive on head games, try your best to avoid them. it's a habit that they'll never outgrow and life's too short to have to deal with it... besides, you DO have a busa, don't ya? great bait 4 a date.
man you have read about my women problems right now so i would post them here but a little vulgar wait i can fix it

Well as i sit and ponder the situation at hand i began to wonder if i will always be ucked no matter what for those who dont know tough for those of you that do nice. Well once again i find somone i truly like and willing to do anything for and turned around and got pushed away to the point of i cant do it anymore i mean hel i was at every beckin call.

well lets see here life is a bunch of hit you go through you might find someone you might not for those who do great for the ones who dont it blows is it to much to ask to actually have someone who cares about you as a person.

some more rambling= do people always talk hit and lie to the other person to make sure that they look like a freind backstabbing is at an all time high hmm i wonder if it is because she was jelous that someone might be gatting along or maybe cause she has had so many abortions that her brain is fried you just never know.

well for those about to read this a little peice into my mind aty this point oh yeah i think i found my house UCK yeah hermit city here i come

and for those who klnow me make sure i am buried with a bottle of jack in my hand and a keg of miller light next to the casket so maybe people will show up
This guide is quite old, but you may find a couple of hints. After loosing myself too many targets, I know it surely is not a joke:

The Men's Guide to what the Woman really mean

You want = You want
We need = I want
It's your decision = The correct decision should be obvious by now.
Do what you want = You'll pay for this later.
We need to talk = I need to complain
Sure... go ahead = I don't want you to.
I'm not upset = Of course I'm upset, you moron!
You're ... so manly = You need a shave and you sweat a lot.
You're certainly attentive tonight. = Is sex all you ever think about?
I'm not emotional! And I'm not overreacting! = I'm on my period.
Be romantic, turn out the lights. = I'm Embarassed
This kitchen is so inconvenient = I want a new house.
I want new curtains = and carpeting, and furniture, and wallpaper...
I need wedding shoes = the other 40 pairs are the wrong shade of white.
Hang the picture there = NO, I mean hang it there!
I heard a noise = I noticed you were almost asleep.
Do you love me? = I'm going to ask for something expensive.
How much do you love me? = I did something today you're really not
going to like.
I'll be ready in a minute. = Kick off your shoes and find a good game on TV.
Am I a little fat? = Tell me I'm beautiful.
You have to learn to communicate. = Just agree with me.
Yes = No  |  No = No  |  Maybe = No
I'm sorry. = You'll be sorry.
Do you like this recipe? = It's easy to fix, so you'd better get used to it
Was that the baby? = Why don't you get out of bed and walk him until
he goes to sleep.
I'm not yelling! = Yes I am yelling because I think this is important.
All we're going to buy is a soap dish = It goes without saying that
we're stopping at the cosmetics department, the shoe department, I
need to look at a few new pocket books,and those pink sheets would
look great in the bedroom and did you bring your checkbook?
Are you listening to me!? = [Too late, you're dead.]
Run up to her and pull her hair, then run off. J/K, people do stupid crap when they are drinking. She knows you like her and she is playing with you. I hate head games, let her go. Could be worse, you could actually hook up.

Better yet, as I've read your troubles in the past, why not go to a couple co-dependents-anonymous meetings....it'll teach you to detach.  Then, don't take the bait when things like this happen again.  You two are....

Move on, if it was meant to happen, IT WOULD HAVE HAPPENED BY NOW.......

Go ahead...pull her hair....I dare ya.......

"Hey "look"...another email pop-up....I WON THE FREE UK LOTTERY...."AGAIN".....is that weird or what

man you have read about my women problems right now so i would post them here but a little vulgar wait i can fix it

Well as i sit and ponder the situation at hand i began to wonder if i will always be ucked no matter what for those who dont know tough for those of you that do nice. Well once again i find somone i truly like and willing to do anything for and turned around and got pushed away to the point of i cant do it anymore i mean hel i was at every beckin call.

well lets see here life is a bunch of hit you go through you might find someone you might not for those who do great for the ones who dont it blows is it to much to ask to actually have someone who cares about you as a person.

some more rambling= do people always talk hit and lie to the other person to make sure that they look like a freind backstabbing is at an all time high hmm i wonder if it is because she was jelous that someone might be gatting along or maybe cause she has had so many abortions that her brain is fried you just never know.

well for those about to read this a little peice into my mind aty this point oh yeah i think i found my house UCK yeah hermit city here i come

and for those who klnow me make sure i am buried with a bottle of jack in my hand and a keg of miller light next to the casket so maybe people will show up
Don't know if it's the gay red font, or the lack or punctuation that makes my eyes hurt. I read it twice and have no ******* clue what you're saying.
Man I got the perfect email the other day that will explain what to do.. It has some bad language so its not child safe...if I new how to post it I would .. Since I cant, email me & I'll email ya back with it..In fact every situation cn be handled by the email.. very knowledgeable
Um, maybe because you actually put yer feet on her boobs. She was basicly giving you the go ahead for some playtime and you blew it.  Sounds like this is attempt no.2 for her.
I'm with this guy...^^^^
She was laying it all out for you and you didn't close the deal. Wow.... Double Wow!
She wanted you to use your junk on her and you didn't capitalize on it.
She wanted to play Doctor and you didn't see it.
She wanted you to park the locomotive in the tunnel and you couldn't lit the boiler.
She wanted you to fill the BOX!
If you ever get around her again you just need to take control and tell her exactly how she needs to lay you out. If you don't I am going to send someone over there to beat you senseless.
Ben I truly like you... That being said. STOP being a wuss. You let this girl play you everytime you are in the same room. The next time she pulls this crap come right out and ask her if she wants to (add your own word). If not walk away. Stop giving her power over you... It is a small percentage of women that are like this but they are always drawn to the same type of guys which makes it seem like there are more of them then there really are... Tell her to put up (out) or shut up. You don't want a relationship with this rooster tease anyway, trust me. I know you are not the type of guy to utilize the hit and run tactic with women but apparently deep down you like eating the shat that she is feeding you so you can either sink to her level or recognize her for what she is... Dude you are like 24 feet tall and 1000lbs stop acting like you are a fifth grader. Work on finding the right one for you and leave this chick alone. From the sound of her I wouldn't piss on her to put her out. This is tough love but it is still love.